This is odd. There is a monster loose in this city and it hasn't tried to kill us yet. Nor has Lanathar or Threnody made an attempt. This makes me curious about the importance of this city to the elven bastards. They leave this place unattended for thirty years and then we show up and then that undying byurgan elf shows up. I wish he would make a move, do something. It feels like he is hiding in a corner somewhere, laughing at the poor people who live here, in this prison he created...
Part of me understands how Seriana feels; to be trapped away from your home. Lanathar really is a bastard. She wants to be home, in the place she is connected to...with family. Makes me wonder why she is involved with William. That doesn't make sense to me. She wants despretely to find a way out and he always comes back. These southerners do not understand the life a ranger. But then I'm finding I don't understand the life a ranger as much anymore...
I wish this damn werewolf would do something tonight, I'm getting bored waiting here. Watch is supposed to be boring. It's a good thing when your watch is boring. But the sooner, the sooner we can kill it and no one else will needlessly die. What kind of creature kills but doesn't eat. They call is a werewolf but it isn't a wolf. Wolves do not live like that, wolves are not evil, they're just wolves....
Oh look, Philippe's pigeons. What odd birds. Come on, Lanathar, make your move. I don't wish to follow the path of vengeance any longer but for you I'll make an exception. Then we'll see what we can do about the woman who claims to be your leader...she wants to die and we mean to help her...well all of us but Islan...well all of us remaining except Islan...Stupid Islan, even Jacques would fight Threnody; what is going on with him?
I'd like to go back home one day. If I live that long. Maybe Arilyn would like to come with me, she could make a good life performing back in Argusund. I imagine she'll want to go back with the elves though. Still it would be nice if someone from the quest remained nearby. I wonder of Dolartu will return to Argusund....I wonder what Freya will think when she sees hi..her. It will be good to see the mountains again. Not to be hot and in the sun anymore. No more sand, ever. Mountain and forests, real forests with pine and birch, cold rivers, caribou and fox...ah I'm getting nostalgic. There are much bigger things to deal with at the moment. Save the world, then go home |