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Tomorrow we enter the town of my birth, I want to be ready... |
Oh home. Well, not quite home, but close enough.
It seems William will be taking us into New Sellador Port tomorrow. We've travelled quite a long time, I hope it was worth it.
Last time I was around Selladorians was almost 40 years ago. In fact, some of these here, if they truly are from the real Sellador, may remember my name. I wouldn't want that. As far as I know, I'm still a wanted fugative by the church of Aesia. They never do really forgive you when you go a start a civil war on them. who woulda known?
It seems for now, I'll have to don my birth name. Not My most recent Elan name, but the one that I was born human with, Jacob Fallomeire. Lucky for me, no one will remember that name. the name of a scribe of very little importance, who died so many years ago. In fact, I don't think I've used this name in over two hundred years. strange to think that it has been that long.
I just hope that my companions truly understand the idea of discretion, as we will in essence be going before the executionor if we're not careful. I don't think they truly understand that humans tend to dislike elves, just as much, if not more than elves dislike humans. In fact, humans tend to be more hateful, since elves have been trying to keep them in check for so many years. I'm sure the church knows this. they seem to know everything else.
For now though, I'll have to impress upon Elana and Islan the danger we well may be facing if they reveal who they are to these people. Who knows by what twist of fate they ended up on the otherside of the world. I'm sure they'll blame thisone on the elves too. It sure seems they blame everything else on them. |
Associated Regions: New Sellador Port, Curmeah |
From the journal of Nyran Galanodel |
Contributor: Drew Butler |