SoulBlade |
Extension of the will of the wielder. |
The SoulBlade is a manifestation of both the will of its wielder and the spirit of the land of Lochlainn that appears as a shimmering, indistinct blade of energy. Possessors of the blade are spiritually connected to the land and peoples of Lochlainn and can sense its overall well being, going as far as to have an innate knowledge of the local geography, from each stone to each river. Becoming the wielder of the Soulblade binds your fate to that of Lochlainn and your fate and that of the land are inexorably tied together.
The blade is roughly the size of a longsword, deals slashing damage as per a longsword of that characters size, and has a 19-20 critical threat range. Feats that enhance the ability to fight with a longsword, such as weapon focus (longsword), enhance the ability to wield the SoulBlade as well. The SoulBlade is weightless and sheds a flickering light as though it were a torch. It is an extension of the wielder’s will and as such cannot be dropped like a physical object.
The SoulBlade counts as a light weapon for all purposes except sundering. In this case, treat the SoulBlade as a longsword in all regards except for hardness; the hardness of the SoulBlade is equal to the base will save of its wielder. A sundered SoulBlade vanishes completely but can be manifested again 1d4 rounds later.
Manifesting the SoulBlade is a supernatural ability (Su) that requires a standard action.
As a standard action the wielder of the SoulBlade can give away the ability to manifest the SoulBlade to another willing creature. By giving the SoulBlade to another creature the wielder loses the ability to manifest the it, though the former wielder still keeps any special abilities the SoulBlade bestowed to them directly (such as the Self Assurance and Spell Resistance abilities). Doing so removes all acquired abilities from the SoulBlade (see the next section) and causes the creature bequeathing the blade to permanently lose two levels. There is no way to get these levels back short of divine intervention.
SoulBlade Statistics
The SoulBlade is a +1 brilliant energy, ghost touch, lesser aligned (method), lesser aligned (intent) weapon.
• Brilliant Energy: A significant portion of this weapon is transformed into light; the weapon ignores nonliving matter - armor, shield, and their enhancement bonuses. • Ghost Touch: This weapon can damage both corporeal and incorporeal opponents. • Lesser Aligned (Method): This weapon’s alignment, with respect to law and chaos, becomes that of its wielder. It deals an extra 1d6 damage to creatures of opposite alignment where law and chaos are concerned. A neutral character does not benefit from this ability, nor are they harmed. • Lesser Aligned (Intent): This weapon’s alignment, with respect to good and evil, becomes that of its wielder. It deals an extra 1d6 damage to creatures of opposite alignment where good and evil are concerned. A neutral character does not benefit from this ability, nor are they harmed.
Total Bonus Value: +8
SoulBlade Abilities
The following abilities can be added to the SoulBlade. Adding a new ability requires the expenditure of 500 experience points and a full day of rest without distraction spent in self reflection. Each ability can be taken only once, except for the Increased Power ability, which can be taken a maximum of four times (eventually reaching a maximum enhancement bonus of +5). Additionally, when the SoulBlade exceeds +10 in total bonus value it becomes an epic weapon and each new ability that would raise the bonus value of the SoulBlade costs 750 experience points.
Certain abilities can be taken only after other abilities have been taken. These are listed as prerequisites under each ability.
Increased Power Prerequisites: None Total Bonus Value: +1 each time taken You permanently add another +1 enhancement bonus to the SoulBlade. You cannot exceed +5 in total enhancement bonuses. This is the only ability that can be taken more than once.
Keen Blade Prerequisites: None Total Bonus Value: +1 The SoulBlade gains the Keen weapon property and its critical threat range becomes 17-20.
Enhanced Alignment (Method) Prerequisites: Lawful or Chaotic alignment Total Bonus Value: +1 The Lesser Aligned (Method) property of the SoulBlade is upgraded to the Aligned (Method) property, dealing 2d6 points of damage to creatures of opposite alignment where law and chaos are concerned.
Enhanced Alignment (Intent) Prerequisites: Good or Evil alignment Total Bonus Value: +1 The Lesser Aligned (Intent) property of the SoulBlade is upgraded to the Aligned (Intent) property, dealing 2d6 points of damage to creatures of opposite alignment where good and evil are concerned.
Fast Manifestation Prerequisites: Dex 11+ Total Bonus Value: +0 You gain the ability to manifest the SoulBlade as a move equivalent action.
Quickened Manifestation Prerequisites: Fast Manifestation, Dex 13+ Total Bonus Value: +0 You gain the ability to manifest the SoulBlade as an immediate action.
Elemental Infusion Prerequisites: Neutral alignment component Total Bonus Value: +0 The SoulBlade gains one of the following elementally aligned weapon properties: • Flaming: Deals an extra 1d6 fire damage • Freezing: Deals an extra 1d6 cold damage • Shock: Deals an extra 1d6 electricity damage • Caustic: Deals an extra 1d6 acid damage. If the wielder of the SoulBlade ever loses the neutral component of their alignment they also lose this ability.
Minor Spell Resistance Prerequisites: None Total Bonus Value: +1 The wielder of the SoulBlade gains spell resistance of 11. The SoulBlade does not need to be manifested for this ability to take effect.
Lesser Spell Resistance Prerequisites: Minor Spell Resistance Total Bonus Value: +1 The wielder of the SoulBlade gains spell resistance of 13. The SoulBlade does not need to be manifested for this ability to take effect.
Moderate Spell Resistance Prerequisites: Lesser Spell Resistance Total Bonus Value: +1 The wielder of the SoulBlade gains spell resistance of 15. The SoulBlade does not need to be manifested for this ability to take effect.
Increased Spell Resistance Prerequisites: Moderate Spell Resistance Total Bonus Value: +1 The wielder of the SoulBlade gains spell resistance of 17. The SoulBlade does not need to be manifested for this ability to take effect.
Greater Spell Resistance Prerequisites: Increased Spell Resistance Total Bonus Value: +1 The wielder of the SoulBlade gains spell resistance of 19. The SoulBlade does not need to be manifested for this ability to take effect.
Self Assurance Prerequisites: None Total Bonus Value: +0 The wielder of the SoulBlade gains a +2 bonus to all will saves. The SoulBlade does not need to be manifested for this ability to take effect.
Mental Assault Prerequisites: None Total Bonus Value: +1 A creature hit by the SoulBlade is subjected to a Mind Thrust, as per the psionic power. The power of this attack can be increased with the expenditure of additional power points by the wielder of the SoulBlade as per the power’s description. The DC to resist this power is based on the charisma of the wielder.
Detect Alignment Prerequisites: Wis 11+. Total Bonus Value: +0 The wielder of the SoulBlade gains the ability to detect alignment at will as a spell like ability. This ability functions like a detect evil, detect good, detect chaos, and detect law spell combined into one ability. The caster level for this ability is the wielder’s ECL. The SoulBlade does not need to be manifested for this ability to take effect.
True Striking Prerequisites: Int 11+ Total Bonus Value: +0 The wielder of the SoulBlade gains the ability to True Strike as the spell at will as a spell like ability. The caster level for this ability is the wielder’s ECL. The SoulBlade does not need to be manifested for this ability to take effect.
Detect Magic Prerequisites: Int 11+ Total Bonus Value: +0 The wielder of the SoulBlade gains the ability to detect magic at will as a spell like ability. This ability functions like exactly like the spell of the same name. The caster level for this ability is the wielder’s ECL. The SoulBlade does not need to be manifested for this ability to take effect.
True Sight Prerequisites: Wis 15+, Detect Magic, Detect Alignment, True Striking Total Bonus Value: +0 The wielder of the SoulBlade gains the ability to use the spell True Seeing at will as a spell like ability. This ability functions like exactly like the spell of the same name. The caster level for this ability is the wielder’s ECL. The SoulBlade does not need to be manifested for this ability to take effect.
Deadly Blade Prerequisites: None Total Bonus Value: +1 The SoulBlade deals damage as though it were one size larger than it actually is. For example, a medium sized creature would manifest a medium sized SoulBlade that would normally deal 1d8 points of physical slashing damage. With the Deadly Blade ability the damage would increase to 2d6, though the size of the SoulBlade does not actually increase. |
SoulBlade originates from Lochlainn |
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