I don’t think I actually believed the old man when he sad I’d be tied to the land. Or really understood what he meant. But then we got back to the city, and, I could just feel it. It was like I had lived here for years.
So there I was, a half-elf without a country. My only real friends in the world think I’m a drunken nutter. So I may be a little off. Big deal. I know what I mean. The intent is good, usually, though the methods may not be. But they can get the job done.
We descended into the bowels of the crypt, answering the demands of the riddle on the back of the map, fighting big beasties along the way. Though, it is sad that we had to kill his love. The old laird of Clan Dougal, I mean. We went seeking the sword that would drive back the chaos in the north and restore order. And law. Reunite the lands and restore Dougal to its former glory. We hope, at least, to drive back chaos.
Instead, we found the ghost of a long-dead leader. I suppose he had been waiting for someone to make it far enough, and pass the tests set forth. The current heads said they had sent many from their clan forth, and none had returned . . . I wonder how they got the map back?
It tears at me that the old laird had to sit idle for thirty-odd years, feeling the pain of his lands. And could do nothing. I understand, because I feel it now. I think it passed to me when he plunged this glowy, fiery blade into my chest. And I let him. Probably only Elana would have any real sense of this, being who she is and all. My only comfort is that we are able, and willing, to fight for Lochlainn.
Not to mention, serving the dual purpose of going after what we came here for. Primus did warn us, I believe.
It is a fabulous sword. Made purely of light and my own strength of will. Huh, however strong that is. I can draw it with a thought now. I think it feeds on me. I can say that I feel more confident in our tasks now. A different confidence from when I wielded FrostFang. We Lochlainnders are a proud, yet stubborn people.
Damnit. I’ve been having funny thoughts like that for days now. I wander around this town, kinda testing myself. A particular tree. An unusual big rock. Elana was a little shocked when I told her about this natural spring outside town and was actually right. But what they, my friends don’t know is that I wake at least once a night in a cold sweat. I barely escaped the beasts of pure chaos that roam freely in the north. This is not going to be much fun.
I do hope we leave soon. The others have been haggling with local tradesmen for the past several days. Finally, we get to get rid of all the stuff we’ve had for an eternity. I would have liked to have picked up a new trinket or two, but nothing really caught my eye. Plus, after everything the others decided to buy, there wasn’t too much coin left over. No big deal. I have this sword. At least we gave a good portion of the booty back to Clan Dougal. Goddess only knows they can use it.
Hmmm. I think I need to get out of town. There are just so many nights I can sit in the tavern and watch Nyran whoring around. I think I’ll toddle on over to the springs. The others can find me when it’s time to go.