Obtenibrous |
Dark Elf Wanderer of Ancient Atma |
I am Obtenibrous Untathas Verdulatha Umbcarmines and I, as my older siblings would have me believe, am not a mistake. I like to think of myself as a redresser of wrongs and protecter of the weak as is Korgondraxis and hopefully this view will come to pass, instead of me just being mommy's little baby. Unplanned and unforseen , mother's (Eboneffer) way of saying it is much more pleasing. A little over 2 1/2 centuries ago there was a decade of unusually hash winters. Many of the elderly and infirm passed beyond as is the way of things in nature among all races. When the spring broke and the pall lifted and the Elves realized that this trying time was over they celibrated a little more exuberantly than normal. Nothing decadent or debaucherous, just a little heartier in thanks. It seemed that the minstrals sounded better, elfwine flowed freer, the new greens of spring were a bit tenderer and my parents who were begining to approach there twilight years, with 5 children whom had families of their own, begot me. I've yet to live that down and may never. But I can deal with the ribbing and jests of my much older siblings, I just wish that Father was not so disappointed in me. He is an influencial elf and all but the patriarch of the 16th noble house only has so many connections. After my 4 brothers had been placed politically, stationed for military duty, or entered the clergy, then the marriage of my 2 sisters there was not much clout left for me. And having grown up upon Mother's legends I wasn't cut from a suitable cloth for politics, the army, or religion anyway. If only I could sing and play, pass on the lore of old like mother, I'm only instilled with the idealistic zeal of the legends. The righteous will triumph, the strong protectors of the weak, dreaming the Dream of the Wise One! There is a place for me somewhere, there must be, Mother said so! I just need to find it. Thank goodness for this skirmish with the dwarves! For, as shameful as the misunderstanding is, I at least proved to my brothers that I am worth something. Then again Father is not pleased at all about my duties as errand boy for the counsil and messenger between units. I wonder what everyone would say, on both sides, if they knew that this all started as the result of an adolesent prank of 2 elflings? They only wanted to see what the dwarves would do when they put all that copper in the mitheral slag. Those expressions were priceless but made the Dwarves aware that they weren't the only ones there in the Underdark, so when the scout party found their way into Widow Ducanthur's bed chamber and prim and proper Elf (more priceless expressions!) who was really more upset about the impropriety of unchaperonage at that time of night regaurdless of the race of the males in question. What a mess. And then it got ugly. |
Race: Elf, Drow (Shadow) |
View the journals of Obtenibrous. | Related Articles: Father Punish Me As You See Fit!, Dearest Mother, Another Dozen Bites The Dust, Dearest Mother, Siege on the Slumms. | Contributor: Joe Cockfield |