The time I have spent in The Red Legion has been some of the most interesting days in my life. The Red Legion seems to be proving itself as a top notch military unit, with a wide variety of soldiers, all with their own areas of expertise. I have been assigned to a man named Grumms. He is a Lieutenant of some experience, and he has been with the legion since its creation. I was a little tenative about this Lt. Grumms at first, however while I do not agree with his informal style of command, I cannot deny that he gets results.
Besides Lt. Grumms, I have been assigned to serve in a small squad with five other soldiers. While none of them have proven to have the zeal for the job that I do, they have their areas where they excel.
Firstly, there is a fighting man named Gerard. Gerard has proven himself to be a highly skilled combatant, and wields his warhammer with grace and power. He is a hard living man who likes his drink and spends too much time at the bar hasseling the barmaids. This seems to be our only real point of friction so far. I am pleased to be in this mans company when steel sings, and on the occasion when I visit the Crystal Lake Tavern.
Next there is a young woman that goes by Adrianna. I say young woman because calling her a girl would be uncouth of me. In my opinion, she is too young to be going into combat. While I cannot deny her skills with a blade, I do not entirely understand her style of fighting. She wears light armor, wields an impossibly thin sword, and bounces around all the time. I cannot deny her effectiveness however, and her steel is welcome in the squad.
Thirdly comes Nickoli. What is there to say of Nickoli. He is an enigma to me in so many ways. While he is a devout man, he seems to serve no deity. He is proficient in combat, but wields no weapons and wears no armor to speak of. However I can say without hesitation that he can deliver a mighty punch. Sparring one day, he landed a solid blow to my chin and knocked me right off my feet. Rather impressive for such a wirey fellow. Nickoli does not speak too often and is a little morose, but when he is out of his trance-like-state, he is pleasant company.
The fourth memeber of the squad is a little different from the rest. He is an Elf, named Eldamari Silverthorn. Mari is a slight man, light of skin and short of stature. He is an accomplished archer, doing things with an arrow I could not fathom. I shall have him teach me a little about this art of archery. I believe it will come in handy in certain situations. Mari is also a successful tracker and scout. His ears and eyes are sharper than the finest sword. He seems to be a rather withdrawn person. I do not know if this is mearly his elven heritage, or his general personality. Perhaps time shall tell.
Last but certainly not least on my list is Mellisandra. Sandra is a woman of the cloth, but not in any way I have ever seen before. She wears the dress of a cleric (of some sorts) and while she does not worship Aesia, I do not see her worship any other deity either. She wields powers of the divine with such carefree abandon that I stand baffled. Sandra is also a frequent companion to Gerard at the tavern. They have both seemed to make it their home. Sandra smokes, drinks, and curses far too much to please any godess. I do not see how she keeps her gifts. Mine is not to question.
My experience here in Kierguard has been that of adventure and new beginnings. I have done and seen so many things I was not privy to while within the church walls. I can only hope that when the time comes, I am prepared mentally, physically, and spiritually for what lies before me. |