With much toil we have begun the process of making the home of Dolartu's ancestors, the City of Orovalis, into not just a base of operations but a thriving new city with craftsman and artisans bustling about hither and yon smoothing rough hewn caverns and, you know, making the place hospitable and comfortable for habitation. Of course the incredible charm of Dolartu has greatly assisted in this as he has spent some conciderable time speaking with merchants from Citadel and El-Alahd. Such the diplomat. It's strange though, stepping back he seems completely untrustworthy, while his actions speek towards the more noble side of ambitions its just his ambition. Like he's a megalomaniac or something. But the second you're in his presence his overwhelming charm just almost force you to agree and side with whatever he happens to be saying. I mean he's definitely a man worthy to follow and all. Still, I'm glad that he looks to Lord Islan for council and guidance and is deferential to him. That mean any powerstruggle between the two is a moot issue, thank Aesia, because I would be hard pressed in choosing sides. We have also taken in some refugees, Baerin of the flame cult and his followers had been attacked and driven from there lands. Through the holy light of Aesia I was able to provide healing and restoration to those in need and they have taken up residence with us, maybe permanently. It will be a blessing having other cleric about as I do enjoy conversing with those of other good faiths and tenent because it promotes learning and wisdom which both lead to greater effectiveness in serving the Bright Lady. Anyhow, Lord Islan and Mawdred made the discovery that the deal Antifex had made had something to do with a holy sword which immediately brought to mind the former sword of Miss Arilyn, one FrostFang. Last being seen along a river marsh in the jungles of Curmeah after a fight where FrostFang, having been placed in the body of an Atman golem, flung Arilyn into a river and continued the fight on his own. I guess it was an epic battle, when the fellowship finally returned all that they found was scortched earth and a rusted arm. I've never seen Miss Arilyn so dispondant, its been some three years and whenever he's mentioned she gets all broody and sullen. They where very close you see. So not knowing what else to do I asked the Bright Lady where he be and she blessed us with the knowledge that he lay for to the south in the deep jungles of Curmeah. So Dolartu said lets go and leaving the Orovalis in Baerin's keeping we teleported South, well, the third time anyway. The journey took a number of days. We stumbled upon a primative protective totem to some demon beast which almost made Dolartu wet himself, very funny but had I or the others been face to face rather than at a distance each in turn probably would have found it just as disconcerting. We also tracked the spore of some huge beast, we could only imagine what it was, and found ourselves surrounded by a primitive tribe of people calling themselves the Uuntu. Through sign language we eventualy got the point across that we where not a threat and did not want to fight and they then took us to their village. The Elder of the Uuntu was speaking of how the champian of the tribe had fallen ill after facing Rodgort, wrath and punishment. I asked Lord Islan to translate my wish to see this champian and offer the healing gifts of Aesia, irony of ironies. The champian was FrostFang, well Tendaris freed from his imprisonment in the wormslaying sword. But he was much changed, a mishappen and almost mongoloid looking visage and missing an arm. His defeat at the hads of this Rodgort weighing heavily on his contenance. Arilyn was acting very strangely and he towards her. Alot of pent up resentments combinded with the missing of each other, etc. etc., I felt bad for both of them but this was something that they needed to work out for themselves. We agreed to the task of taking on this beast hoping that Tendaris would join us as well, which he choose not to prefering to sulk about his faiure in his tent. There was quite the row between he and Arilyn about it with harsh words from both, a stubborn one she is giving no quarter even after fliing through the air repeatedly but it ended with Tendaris sulking off into the jungle alone. After our breakfast feast of Aesia's scrumptious chicken and ambrosia we set out. This Rodgort was not hard to find, being the mix of dragon and some prehistoric beast. We first had to get by his scouts/keepers, some very able Kobolt wizards who shooked us all with chain lightning. Luckily for us Dolartu is even more able and laid them to waste with a ball of acid that melted the very rock. I wonder why Lord Islan can not achieve spells of such magnitude? Hmmm... The creature called to Rodgort before being destroyed though and we faced him off and took him down. It was incredible watching Arilyn and Lord Islan not to slight Dolaru in his dragon form having been swallowed and bursting from the creature belly whci was awe inspiring as well. I'm speaking of the blade work though. Just dizziing rendering the creature to mince. We returned to the vilage heroes and where given a feast in our honor. The next morning I sought out Tendaris and found him brooding by the river bank. We talked for hours. Through Aesia's divinity I was able to restore his arm but what was more important to me was his soul. I tried to explain to him that the Goddess was not punishing him for his percieved failures and most likely did not even consider it a failure. For a while it was like speaking to Jacques but eventually I got through and he asked a great deal about Aesia whom he had actually known while mortal. (I admit major jealousy here but was able to put it aside as there was work to be done.) He agreed to allow me to ask Aesia to remove these burdens from him and upon doing so the most glorious thing happened. Divine light flashed through the clearing and the weight of his percieved failures and misdeeds began to leave the shoulders of Tendaris. And like soft clay at the shapers wheel his misshapen face began to turn whole and return to that of the handsome looking Sun Elf he had been, Glory be her name! |