It started out as a plain enough week. Well, plain except for the fact that we are preparing to assault a fiendish lord in his home. There is much hustle and bustle around our budding city with the rebuilding and new fortifications for much needed to be replaced or revamped after the attack. I am reminded though that there is much work for me as well aside from preparing for war. There was a minor, um ... spat would be the closest appropriate word, involving Baerin and the stone masons. The masons' work was disrupting the cult of the flames prayer time and I must get to and prepare their hallowed place of worship. The only thing is my human breathren want it top side and the labor of making that hospitable has barely even begun. Baerin will have to wait. I found something, deep within the archives of the holy library in El-Alahd a story of a priest cutting through the resistance of a fiend much greater. Aesia has granted me knowledge of one such prayer but this I think is even stronger and has presidence in the holy rit! So I brought it to Lord Islan to see if he thought it merited more time and research. He infact demanded I teach him the arcane aspects of it and assisted in the bettering of it. We have never done this before and while our methods are completely different the research went well and we were successful. And it was fun actualy working with him instead of watching him work. I wonder if, circumstance being different, I would have shared similar moments with my father. Dolartu has been diligent as well and scarcely around. He has been to Citadel and El-Alahd and Aesia knows where else and when not being the diplomat he's holed up in his study. Once in a while he'll appear, eat something maybe, consult with Lord Islan and then off again. Arilyn was quite put upon, myself as well, that he could not even be reached with the ring. He won't tell us what he's doing, no time, but its got to be big because he's about liquidated the entire hoard! Thats huge on a couple of levels because 1, thats alot of money, and 2, he's part dragon they just don't... do that. While he is working Lord Islan decided that now would be a good time to return for a moment to Tel-Tenauril where we can improve on our research and even begin the copiing of some texts he needs to bring back here. Tendaris understandably does not want to come, it would be far to much for him to deal with at the present time. But he does continue to try and impress on us the need to discus tactics and, you know, plans of attack. The trip should not last to long, we have time. Arilyn and Mawdred are off beating eachother up. If there is something as alien to me as elves its women. There were none among the order so as an adult my experience in dealing with them is almost mil. This all comes to mind because as a child on the streets of Sellador when a girl liked you she'd come up and belt you one. So my thinking is that maybe Arilyn likes Mawdred and all the sparing is just her way of expressing that. They are of pretty like temperment and all. That's between them though. So we arrive back home in Lord Islan's chambers and someone has redecorated. Lord Islan knows at once that something is amiss and we find out upon turning around. Teravus. I have never seen Lord Islan so mad. Teravus wears the black robes as well, he radiates evil. How could the counsil appoint him to be archmage of Thanandir? Teravus haughtily informed us that the council as sawn fit to oust Lady Suzara
whom believably went willingly enough. They finally decided that it was unbefiting for the court to have a half breed rule in Thanandir. This is way to much for me. The fact that the council actualy did something is amazing but something so innane. I'm completely baffled and Lord Islan is about to blow an artery. Teravus then informs us that the council is expecting us and we should make our appearance before them. I noticed on our walk to the council chambers that there seemed to be more activity in the palace. Elves were polishing and dusting doing all the mundane labors. I asked Lord Islan why and what happened to all the unseen servants but he only shhed me, odviously thinking through the various whys himself. The council was most unhelpful. When I say council I should say partial council as there are only three regular members and the rest of the braches of the elven people are not represented. Ariath onsuldor, the star elf representative is the most sympathetic, not helpful but sympathetic, and directs us to where we can found our Queen. Something is fishy about the entire proceedings here. We must inform the others of our findings. Lord Islan made some demands that the council said they would consider and we are to appear before them tomorrow. When we get home Islan tells all of our ordeal and we, excluding Dolartu, go off after Suzara
. Did I mention that Arilyn is even angrier than Islan. There's something here I'm not privy to but its got to be pretty big from both of their reactions. After inadvertantly teleporting into the ocean, Dolartu usualy handles this bit of magic, on the second attempt we arrive at the Temple of Silent Waters. An amazing place, it is said that all water flows from here. Its so quiet and peacful that its all most disconcerting. Confronting Suzara
was very educational. We found her in a grove, big surprise there, with a firm grasp of what was to be done. With more wisdom than I'd ever seen her display she informed us of her wish to garner the support of her people rather than just be thrust upon them because of an accident of blood. She wanted to, starting with the wood elves, rekindle their interest and in this way also learn how to be a queen instead of just assuming the mantle. We had to camp the night on the beach and a strang thing happened, we all dreamed, but we all shared our dreams which was very ackward in the morning. Suzara
and Lord Islan both dreamed of each other and marrage, I never knew but will be honored and overjoyed when the day comes that I get to preform that sacred bond in the eyes of Aesia! Mawdred's was most forboding, is there some treachery here? And what do the last words mean, all is forgiven... my son. He has proven himself on more than one occation to be a staunch ally, this he wont talk about. Dolartu was furious at us when we got home but he soon got over our lateness in the face of the task at hand and we finally got to see the fruits of his labors. Dolartu's Wrath it is called in celebration of felling the Balor. He outfitted all of us spectacularly, Tendaris especially. I recieved a new cloak and holy vestments for greater protections and Tendaris outlined the plan so far. First we need to pay a visit to Antifex, Ashuron will come later so to Lochlainn we go with Aesia's blessings.