I just love meeting new people. There's nothing better than shaking hands with someone new and saying "Hi my names' Adord, Dunstronger, Trill, Cooterber, Grudy, Gim, Wali, but you can call me Gim!" Being up in the mountains all the time can get lonely, so I decided to go see my friends the deer who live in the valley. However, when I got there, they were all dead.... all of them gone! Their hide, their meat everything was left, they were killed for sport and nothing more. Their lives were lost for the enjoyment of another. It didn't take me long to notice my friends where killed my man made weapons and not by another animal. Furious at their needless deaths I decide to head to the nearest town to investigate.
I decided to leave my friend Kano outside of town while I headed to Barga; they have a pretty neat wall there in Barga, as far as walls go. I mean why would you want to fence yourself in on purpose? But I guess if you have too the wall at Barga is the way to go. You can get lost just trying to get in the town!! Once in town.... and it did take a while, I decided to get to work collecting information. What better place to collect information than at the local tavern, and I wasn't disappointed. Though I didn't learn anything about my friends the deer, I did meet a fellow gnome who had lost his wife, and his daughter was kidnapped by bandits! He was so sad, I couldn't just let him sit there and suffer! I decided I would help, but how would I do it alone...... Looking around I noticed a dwarf coming towards us..... Actually there seemed to be a lot of dwarves in this bar.... and a human. This must be my lucky day, an adventure to save a girl, lots of dwarves to meet, and a HUMAN! So the dwarf coming toward us said that he overheard me talking.... funny I don't remember being that loud.... but anyway he said he was a cleric or something and bought the poor gnome who lost his family a drink. That seems like a religion that I could really get into, cleric's buying drinks for people and all. So anyway this dwarf introduced himself as Groehl which kind of sounds like Growl, I like saying Groehl's name its fun to say. He seemed to be really interested in the bandits and offered his help along with his brother Rorrin (his name is fun to say too. I wonder if their parents realized they named their kinds like animal sounds, Rawrin and Growl.... Hehe)
So as I was talking another dwarf came over and said that he overheard me talking..... I could have sworn I wasn't talking that loudly! He told us his name was Lochlan, and that he was a dragon shaman! (I wonder if he has any friends that are dragons. I would really like to meet a dragon some time) So as I was introducing myself the human tells us that he will be joining us as well, maybe I should work on the volume of my voice.
Well as we were getting to know each other, I spotted a large man with orange skin talking to the elf bard on the other side of the room about "items of great worth", I remarked that it was strange to see a person with orange skin and wondered what he would want with these items of worth, for some reason that seemed to really spark the interest of the rest of the party. The large orange hobgoblin then came over to us and started talking about these special items that he was looking for. I tried talking to him but he wasn't very friendly.
After agreeing to stay the night at the tavern I decided to go ask around the town about the bandits and maybe find out what happened to my friends the deer. I don't think I got any good information, because I really can't remember what happened the rest of the evening besides drinking with the human. Apparently I had too much to drink and found myself laying face down on the ground the morning after. Well we are just getting ready to head out to find the girl so I guess I'll write more when we get a chance to stop and sleep.