...shortly thereafter defeating the sea creatures the group decided that we should keep a closer eye on this gnome that led us down here. So we decided that Grizzlegast would be the perfect candidate for that task. After once again checking our surroundings we found two uniquely different pathways both leading to different amounts of water. Not really knowing which way to go we all took a listen and I believe Gim then heard a gurgle sound coming from the northern most cave so we decided to check out that noise.
Upon entering the room I noticed a woman who matched the description of Hurgood’s wife. She was chained to the wall and appeared fine but my instincts told me that evil was near and that I should stay on my guard. Suddenly, a large ooze arose from the water revealing it’s sickening form. After the group spotted it, we all sprang into action and began slicing bits and pieces away from it. Considering it was only one creature it put up a good fight but in the end there were too many of us fighting. Just as we finished killing the ooze we heard a scream come from Grizzlegast. It was a high pitched scream too which I didn’t expect from such an unruly goblin but nonetheless we ran into the room to help him. I felt conflicted at this point because I hadn’t even tried to help the woman yet but from what I’ve seen maybe she’s the least of our worries at this moment.
As we entered the room where Grizzlegast was guarding the gnome we saw a huge pile of blood and a cut filling that puddle from around the gnome’s neck. It appeared as though Grizzlegast had a struggle and ended up killing the gnome. I didn’t really mind the outcome but was more concerned with why he chose to kill the gnome. Apparently, the gnome was acting like something was controlling him and he had no choice but to act. “When in battle” they say. So, we went back to the woman who was hysterical at this point. Although I was able to calm her for the moment it was obvious something was still disturbing her...especially when we mentioned the other room to the east. I feared whatever was I the next room but knew it had to be stopped.
As we neared the opening a slimy dwarf approached us. Usually I’m eager to find others dwarves out in the world but this one was looking disturbed and semi-transparent. Now I’ve seen some strange things of late but this one had me asking Throrn for answers. The dwarf then became violent and we had to put him down. I was starting to realize that whatever was down in this room was controlling everyone including the town of Raven’s Lake.
Lochlan entered the room and appeared to receive a startling headache once he did so. As I entered the room I felt a certain trance start to fill my head with evil thoughts of killing my comrades. After that passed I discharged Nimbus’ Light into the water which revealed only to me that there was an illusion in the water...but what was ‘causing this illusion? I decided to venture further out and desperately tried to communicate with my friends that this was all an illusion but after my visible headache they wouldn’t listen. I decided the only was to show them it was an illusion was to swim out and show them. This was either my most brave act or my most foolish because once I hit the water I sank 30 feet to the ground. Praise Throrn that I can even write these memories down after that attempt. With my feet firmly planted into the sea floor, I saw my brother Rorrin eagerly jump in after me with some rope in hand. It appeared he was trying to repair the debt he felt he owed me from when I saved his life and I’m assuming that’s why he jumped in. Quickly I felt a tug from the rope as Jas began to pull me up towards land. Lochlan was also down in the water and holding onto the rope.
It must have been a site to see all three of us climbing up the rope in the middle of the water, but not as much of a site as what we saw next. The illusion in the water now was vanishing and a massive creature started to swim our way. Hurredly, Rorrin began climbing out of the water but as he, I , and Lochlan climbed we were all struck by tentacles. This attack nearly took my life but even more it left Rorrin and Lochlan with a deeper mark inside them. I knew they must have been infected but I didn’t know with what. Once we all eventually reached land I yelled for everyone to clear out and get out of hear. I think the site of a full plate cleric near death running for his life shocked the rest of the group enough to where they asked no questions but merely followed. I then healed the group and we took Hurgood’s wife out of the house to hopefully find some answers from Mad Maddy. |