After finally breaking through the floor boards of the old tavern, my brother decided to lead the group down into what appeared to be a perfectly safe hallway. It must have been under this assumption that nothing could possibly happen that my brother proceeded without caution. It was not five steps into the basement when he was introduced to the front side of a set of spikes protruding from the wall. He later confided in me that he figured that after breaking through the last two traps another trap here just would have been silly. In my thinking that was probably the best time for another trap but I didn’t relay my thoughts to my brother… I merely prayed to Throrn and asked for his safety over those in the party that fail to think things through.
It was during my intercession with Throrn that I started to proceed forward through the sharp spikes. I suppose my width and masterwork armor caused my reactionary time to the spikes to be… not what they needed to be. After becoming wounded I found myself losing strength and came to the conclusion that I had been poisoned.
The entire party made it through the hallway which opened up into a larger room filled with an evil looking book on a stand, and a long curtain that seemed to hide a back room. At first my attention was towards the book in the center but that was more because I feared what Tenedos would pull from its contents, but just as my attention pulled to the book, the rest of the group opened the curtain. It was at this moment where I felt three strong pulls that told my mind to give away control. The message was not strong enough to pull me in but some of the group became confused. As I finally made my way to the back of the room I saw three globule creatures spitting and shooting their claws at Peak Hunter and Lochlan. On my journey to the backroom my brother Rorrin for some strange reason took a swipe at me. If it wasn’t for the fact that he had drool going from his chin to the floor I could have swore he finally let the jealousy of my superiority get the best of him.
Now, as I began to heal and empower my fellow combatants, my brother and the others that were infected began to regain their senses. At this moment the tides turned and we started to easily crush the opponents as we lured them into the open. It appeared that their advantage was being in close quarters. When it all settled out we completely surrounded the last of the oozes and began to pummel it until nothing was left.
With the creatures disposed of we picked back up where we left off my examining the book. I was able to call upon the power of Throrn to help me decipher the text but as I did I sensed a great evil and knew that the book must not be further examined by anyone from the group. It was at this moment of inspection that I heard my brother and Peak Hunter saying they found a large set of full plate to which I dropped the book into Tenedos’ hands and ran behind the curtain. Along with the gold and some other rare objects we took away a great treasure from this adventure and should be quite grateful for the trip.
I was so joyous over our glory in battle that I was showing off to the local townsfolk on the journey north. My friends thought I needed to keep a low profile but I figured that we need not hide our victory since these Aboleth are no friends to the island. Shortly, into our journey north we ran into some from the black robed group. They said something about one of their members being killed and thought perchance it was us but I was so enthralled with my armor I didn’t really pick up much of the story. On the other hand my armor was beginning to really pickup the sunlight well to the point of giving off a glorious shine worthy of a cleric of Throrn. Finally, I had a suit of armor to match the beauty of my weapon.
After reaching Attrius, we decided to hold back a little information about the battle and our encounter with the black robes because he is the type of dwarf that deals information for money. He truly realized the value of it and would pay a price for what we’d learned. It was at this point that I decided to seek out Grizzlegast while the rest of the group worked out a price.
I found Grizzlegast in an unusual state. It seems he had boarded up the room for fear of something coming in and attacking him. Perhaps he knew exactly what he was fearful of but either way I had to find out the magic that was in my armor and nothing would keep me from that.
In fact after it had been identified I pretty much felt fulfilled from this island. Only the Aboleth’s death would make the journey complete but at this moment I felt like I was already there.
Sadly, because of my joy from the treasure I missed some of the conversation about Arcelia’s whereabouts and in fact Attrius decided he would break into some of her maps to see if they’d have any clues to location. I knew that his oath to Haldros wouldn’t allow that unless it was dire so I decided to pay more attention to my surroundings a little better…that is after a little ale and sleep.
In the morning Attrius had prepared an amazing breakfast with every kind of food imaginable. It was at this moment that I felt that he had cast a high level cleric spell for this feast…which could only mean one thing, we needed the preparation. Attrius then informed the group that he did find possible whereabouts of Arcelia and that she was probably lost somewhere on the northern most island in a location marked on the map. I remembered that the orders to taking apart old ruins there and perhaps that’s where Arcelia had been taken. Also, it’s more than likely the path to the Aboleth’s that we’ve been seeking for some time now.
We took the time to devour the whole meal and then set off on our journey to find Arcelia and perhaps unlock the rest of the mysteries that Baratoria has placed before us. For Throrn!