The paladin, Ordrin, joined us the rest of the way to the druids glade. My first thought was that there would never be a moments piece with two zealots of Throrn yelling "For Glory!" every two seconds. Thank the gods it wasnt much farther to the druids.
What we found in the glade I have to say surprised me. It was all but deserted. Many had died defending the glade, some others had tried to go for help. Koda was one of those who went for help. We met two dwarves who filled us in on what had been happening, the druid Durall and Balnear a cleric of Nolghrim. Some welcome a lone druid and a cleric of the god of death and recorder of deeds. I learned something else of great importance to me as well.
I am not the only one to be searching for the Hammer of Delhodir, Ordrin also searches for the relic. Ordrin went to Highmarshal Korek and asked to be sent in search of the hammer but Korek refused to send him. Ordrin instead sought the hammer himself. Thirty years have passed since then and he believed he has found clues to its whereabouts.
We are now faced with a choice. After learning more of the evil that was causing the horrors and monsters wandering our home we have the opportunity to seek an answer to the threat. Durnall told us of a dream he had. He said that to find an answer to the threat we must seek the elements. Now I was torn between tow paths. To find the Hammer of Delhodir or seek a way to end the threat to Citadel.
Last night I was adament about seeking the hammer, saying I thought it was a great weapon to be used against the evil. Ordrin was happy to hear it and Groehl seemed to agree as well. I really wasnt sure if this was true but I didnt want Ordrin finding the hammer before me. With or group divided we slept the night and would discuss it in the morning.
The next morning my conscience got the better of me and I agreed to seeking out some part earth elemental near Derrinars home. Groehl and I tried to convince Ordrin to join us and then seek the hammer after but he was determined to seek the hammer with out delay. I tried to pry as much information from him be while he was with us, but all I could learn was a general direction and that it may be in a former outpost of Thurn. I may ask the earth touched being we seek about it. But enough for now we are about to set out. Ordrin is traveling a short way with us. Perhaps I can learn a little more from him. Throrn be kind and let me find the hammer before him, I dont wish to battle a paladin of good. |