A Hammer, Some Clerics, And A Druid |
A choice is made between helping a paladin of Throrn or a Druid of the Grove. |
Sometimes the greater ally in life is not the man who follows your beliefs exactly but rather the person that challenges you to look at life from a different angle. This is the lesson that I’ve been learning with my comrades over the past few months. Now, while I still follow Throrn and rely on him for guidance I believe that Throrn has brought me to befriend my friends and wants me to journey with them for glorious honor in the name of Throrn. This belief has just been tested and I’m pondering the options that have just been laid before me.
There was a paladin of Throrn that we ran into not a few hours ago that much like myself was a proud dwarf and wise beyond his years. I was convinced within a few minutes of meeting him that even though our writ was to help the druids that we had just run into that we should more than likely follow this paladin because he knew the only true way to conquer the evil that caused the reanimations to happen amongst the grove. The paladin spoke of an ancient relic of Throrn lore called the Hammer. He believed passionately in its power and had been training to wield the weapon for some time now. I was amazed at his dedication and the faith that he possessed in Throrn that this relic could rally the entire Throrn nation together to clear out this evil.
It was at this moment when the lone druid of the grove started to speak about the forces of the elements… and supposedly there are four of them…which caused some confusion with me since I know of only two but I nodded along and tried to catch up. The only parts of the story that caught my attention was when he referenced the rock from my pack and how a young elvin druid and a human named Moireaca found this material and were probably the ones responsible for it. I had heard the name Moireaca before and after conversing with Rorrin he remembered that he was also the man that sold the rock to the dwarves of Thurn back in our days in Cobblepot. This part of the story drew my attention even more so than the story of the paladin because it was interlaced with what appeared to be Throrn’s agenda for me along the road of life.
As I was putting my thoughts together on this story another man spoke up. It was a cleric of the dead. Which put me off at first, but then he explained he was more of a passing from this life to another life kind of death cleric. I suppose his purpose has a lot to do with the dead rising and reanimating back to life but for some reason my mind was already racing back and forth between my loyalties to Throrn and our current journey towards finding this Moireaca. From what I was able to glean from the cleric’s tale he said he knew of many a soldiers and clerics who were able to survive for long periods of time amongst the evils that lived in the caves and suggested we meet up with them to find their secret. Personally, I didn’t think the story had enough follow through much like the others and I didn’t get intrigued by it… although Peak Hunter took to the plan right away… more than likely because it sounded like the easiest strategy and the more difficult plans were too involved for him to understand. Either way, he was alone in his opinion and the rest of us began our debate between searching for the hammer and finding all of the elements or elementals or whatever Derrinar was referencing from the Undergates.
We all decided that no matter the choice it had been a long night and we all needed some rest. During my slumber I didn’t get my rest right away because I was conflicted as to my path in life until it just clicked as to what I needed to do.
I arose early…well at least early for our group and set out to discuss our plans for the day when I noticed the paladin already packed and ready to go. He gave me one last chance to join him on his crusade but since I had already come to my conclusion there was no turning my decision around, even if I truly wanted to see the most powerful weapon ever created. In my slumber I finally realized that Throrn had set me on this path alone without any help from the church of Throrn for a reason. He wanted me not to have a crutch to lean on but rather to teach the lost the ways of Throrn, and to stand out as a beacon of Throrn’s glorious light. I was finally accepting of my position in the group and was ready to head off to the Undergates, with a clear plan and a stronger vision of Throrn in my heart. For Throrn!
Associated Regions: Citadel |
From the journal of Groehl |
Contributor: Chuck Jubenville |