Brothers. One I fear has become my enemy and the other I just cant understand. Thorian, whom I once thought dead, is a death knight in service to the wizard Moriacca. Groehl my holy brother who thinks honor can only be gained by running headlong into every dangerous situation without thought or care what may happen. And now I wonder about my own father and his past. Is there more he keeps from us about himself. Things use to be so simple.
My companions are also proving to having interesting secrets. The fallen druid turns out to be Kambeisister and most of their conversations were done in elven so most of us dont know what was said there. My trust in him, the bit I had, is strained. Tenedos is just a sneaky bastard, which is something I have appreciate but I dont completely trust him. If is suited his purposes Im not sure if he would sell us out or not. Hunter though I dont feel there is any guile in him toward me, at this time I cant rely on him in certain situations.
Gim is so free of evil I can always trust him to do what is the good and proper thing. I just hope if there comes a time I have to do something that is necessary he will understand. Derinar is a mystery to me. He just seems free of guilt. As far as I can tell he is just along for the adventure. My companions, but for how long.
My instincts keep telling me I need to pursue Ordrin and that my quest for the hammer cannot wait. I worry what might happen if Ordrin acquires the hammer and returns to Citadel as the great hero. His intentions, though they may have been good to start, I feel have been tainted. He seems to be after the glory of finding this hammer for himself than for Throrn.
I am constantly plagued by the choice of whether or not to depart my friends company to track down Ordrin and the hammer. My annoyance with Groehl only serves to push more toward this. I dont know, I must think and there is little time for that...