Ivans mouth opened impossibly wide, acid came flying out at us. All but Derrinar and Tenedos were hit by it. For a split second I was angry with myself for not being fast enough to dodge aside, but then the pain began. Nothing I have ever experience hurt like that, the acids burn was unbearable. The pain was almost too much, almost. Most of us barely survived the acid, Kambei was not so fortunate.
Tenedos used his arts to blanket the area around us in magical darkness. Ivan was soon distracted, trying to find Tenedos. Derrinar made his way through the darkness to heal those of who needed it, which was most of us. Groehl and Gim were the first to recover from the poison and they joined in the battle immediately. Just as I was feeling as if I could stand I felt a dark power hit me and I was stunned.
When I finally cleared my head I found Kodan to be badly injured, Hunter was just getting up as well, and my brother was wrapped up in Ivans disgusting ten foot tongue. Groehl was protecting himself from being crushed while Derrinar and Gim were trying to deal with Ivan. I drew my sword and started to attack when Derrinar blasted Ivan with a lightning bolt finally bringing him down.
A strance ooze came from holes that had been bored into Ivans head. The villagers must have heard our fight, they were heading towards us with the elder in the lead. Hunter was starting to loot Ivans corpse but I stopped him. Ivan was the village hero and he should be dealt with as the villagers wish. Groehl slipped Ivans helm on to spare the villagers the sight I guess, but apparently this isnt the first time the elder has seen this. He told us of how this happened along time ago and the details of those events.
While we were talking a glimmer appeared over Kambeis body, and quickly the glimmer formed itself into a ghostly image of Kambei. He tried to possess his own body but couldnt hold it. Some of the others thought there had to a reason this happened and tried some experiments with the orb. As the they took the orb farther away from Kambei, he would begin to fade away. Well now we know a little more of the orb, not that I can see any way that is going to help us. One thing it didnt do for us is get a us a place to rest. The villagers seeing the orb and its nature refused to let us return to the home until we disposed of it. Well guess that means another night in the caves. Perhaps this stone touched being can shed some light on all of this.
The next morning Gim attempted to reincarnate Kambei but was unable to. I dont know why his spirit wouldnt return, who knows how elves think. I do know he was a good an elf as I ever met. Rest well Kambei, your trials in this life are over. |