*Gim drops to his knees and places his hands on the floor in front of him*
*Tear drops start to form and land on the dusty stair case*
*In whispered tones*
Jerick, I must know the truth.... If what he says is truth then my being here is hurting this world. What happened that night on the ship, did we truly die? Were we supposed to die? The river has been divided, flowing away from each other... or coming together? We are set adrift on it, sucked into the torrent, if we struggle any more would it even make a difference. Maybe this isnt the only branch of the mighty rushing water. If we give up and let ourselves be taken under would we not just find ourselves floating down the same stream... or a different stream that is exactly the same. Jerick... you set me on this path, do you see the convergence of the river ahead? Or are you just as hopelessly drowning as we are. If we stopped now, would we even be able to stop? Or would that be part of the plan all along. I have to know the truth, I have to find out for sure, I wont continue to be a pawn, moved to see the result and then placed back to try another route! Im sorry.... sorry for hurting you, but for now I dont know any other way. If this is not the way, remove your power from me, then I will know for certain that my deeds are not furthering your destruction. But if this is the path, infuse me with the strength to combat all those that stand to destroy you. Power of Nature, show me your will!!!!
*Throwing his head back and raising his hands a mighty howl erupts from deep within the little gnome as his face begins to elongate and teeth grow to form a ferocious smile. As black fur begins to cover his face and neck, he looks to Koden his companion and sees the transformation mirrored to him.*
*In a deep snarling voice he intones his command*