So…I was put into a new situation with a bunch of people I’m not that familiar with again. Unlike the last time I’m choosing not to get too involved with these people’s personal lives just in case I end up losing control of my Frenzy and slaughter them…again. Which makes for dull conversation when I don’t pry…but at least it leaves time for drinking…and drinking.
I found myself in a local establishment with your typical mind numbing substances available, and with the King picking up the tab I felt free to indulge. The usual problem with my habits is that they leave me drunk and broke, but in this case I had “comrades” and money to back me up. Plus, I had “comrades and money to back me up…which helps me when I needed money…and…*hiccup*.
So…we were all getting drunk and starting fights with random peoples…and I was taking on the entire bar at the same time. It was truly an amazering feat… of mythimacal proportionsss. There I was, with the entire bar draped across my back, while I combatttted them in fist to head combat. It was trudely a glorfical moment…*hiccup*.
Um…whew…so we… I mean I was taking on the entire army at the bar when this big…really big guy started himself on fire. I thought to myself hey…hey…um…hey…maybe I should put that guy out…or maybe I should put that guy out.
Compared to the rest of my story…this part got a little blurries since I was engaged…endaged…enraged and maybe a little tipsy…HA ha…ok a lot tipsy, but nonetheless while fighting the entire bar and um… I mean army and the putting out of the man on fire...yeah with all that going on I noticed that one of the many goblins that was in the bar kept firing these…balls of ouch…and they kept hitting me in my ouch… I mean my balls. Which made me very angry and mad and angry, because I was on fire because of the army… and then my balls were on fire because of the goblin which really didn’t help ‘cus I had to piss like a sailor with a full wanker.
After I put the fire out of the sailor…I casually walked outside and tapppped the goblin on the head and…po *hiccup* litely…asked him to stop hitting me in my gentlemanly bits. We shared a laugh…then he told me the secrets of the older woman. Oh…the many intelligent convermationsanspicklelicketickle that were shared that night.
I love rum…rum rum rum. It warms my soul like the tuck..tough..tuc..of a woman.
Goodnight Frenzy…my one sword…my bits coverer…HA ha.