It took a couple of days but we finally found the rebel camp. I expected somewhat of a military group, but they looked more like a refugee camp. I didnt see a single fully armed warrior, most were barely wearing rags. As we approached we were confronted by a robed man who looked like some kind of priest. He immediately accused us of working for the king since he recognized the Captain. I couldnt believe how much of an idiot I was. I hadnt even considered them knowing what the Captain looked like. I guess the Captain hadnt thought of it either but thats no excuse for me not preparing for that. I quickly tried to talk our way out of it saying that we had no idea who he was and we only had met him a day earlier on the road. The priest wasn’t convinced so I had to go a step further.
I deciding convincing the priest we were on his side and against the Captain would work best. I said I would deal with the Captain and began an act that would have been praised by the greatest performing theatres in Sellador. I made gestures and mumble phrases in Draconic and other dialects and in the last I slammed my palm into the captains chest feigning a disintegrate spell but in reality channeling the power of my mask I cast invisibility on him. I only prayed the Captain would not try to talk.
The priest bought it. I think he was surprised but he believed it. He then took Grizzlegast, Gim and myself to see their leader. He led us to a large tent set apart from the rest. He did not enter himself but gestured for us to and left. Inside the man we had been sent to kill was waiting for us. Berin turned out to be a priest of a faith devoted to fire. I had not at the time known anything about it so I will leave it out for now. He was quite hospitable being he was obviously aware of our mission. He offered us wine to drink, while the others drank I simply held it to be polite. Our companions who had stayed behind found their way to the tent and once we were all gathered we had an enlightening conversation with the flame priest. He was at this place seeking the heart of a long dead dragon. It had died of wounds received in battle ages ago but the heart had continued to exist somehow. He said it was a thing of fire and he had come seeking its power.
During our conversation the only grievance I could find between the priest and the king was that the king wanted taxes and obedience from the priest and his following. The priest and these people refused to acknowledge his authority and would not pay. Basically this was a dispute between a would-be conqueror and the people in his way. The forming of a civilization must take this route. A would-be king must either conquer or convince people, molding them into a future realm. This is not a process I need to be involved in. If this king can accomplish this task he will, and if he fails then he was not fit to rule and another will come eventually. The result is of no concern of mine. Knowing this now I have no obligation to fulfill the mission the king gave me, but I am intrigued by this dragons heart. I also have not learned what my new companions are even doing in these lands, they are obviously from a distant land and must be here on a mission of some sorts. As for the naked brute I am unsure if he has a worth while story or not. The dark fellow who insists on remaining Nameless is a closed book as well.
I will continue with them for now. Their presence also helps conceal me if any of my late brothers companions are still seeking me. Well into the depths of the burning hills we go.