After the ghostly priest made his exit we returned to the central room to look for a passage of some sort. It took us some time but we found that beneath one of the great behind the faces was a deep hole. The hole was wide and had iron rungs in the wall for climbing. Frenzy quickly volunteered to go first and started his descent.
The rungs seemed to end only half way down the drop, leaving a good distance between the last rung and the bottom. Good thing some of us know magic. Tenedos walked down the wall, Nameless flew, and I talked Hunter and Captain grey into jumping inside my bag of holding. I dont think they knew what that experience would be like before they did it. I let Gim hold onto me and stepped off the ledge. My Angelic Mask did its job and allowed me to float down to the bottom where I quickly let Hunter and the good Captain out of the bag.
The bottom was a strange room with a large grate in the floor. Choking smoke and the red light of forges billowed out from it making it difficult to get close. As we tried to decide our next move we were ambushed. I have never seen a creature made up of ooze before and I dont think I ever want to again. The gelatin mass poured out of one the wall vents and nearly filled the entire chamber, we all had to hug the walls to avoid touching it. It was a close thing, hunter was grievously injured and it took a combined effort to kill the monster off but we did. I used my arts to restore the large archer and when I turned around Frenzy was making for the grate. Gim, transformed into a huge bear, and the Captain tried to stop him but he broke free and dropped out of sight.
I have to admit for a second I thought of letting him face whatever waited but my conscience won out. I quickly turned myself invisible and descended after him. He had landed flat on his back in the center of a large room with four forges in the corners. Also present in the room were four armed and apparently angry salamanders.