Skulkers In Valkith, Part 2 |
Another conversation between a reporting lieutenant and his Commander |
"Ah, yes, do come in. I trust you have some news for me?"
"I do, sir, but little of it is good news."
"Well, let's get it over with, then. Let's have your bad news."
"Well, after their encounter with that dragon, out agents easily tracked Nibar and his companions to a druid's grove. They could not follow them in for fear of being detected. They were able to gather a little intelligence on the place, and its inhabitants, but the grove itself was quite well warded, against such...intrusions."
"Let me see those papers, then.... Hm, yes, we were aware of that grove. It is news that it's become so populous, though. And...Telwyn, hm...."
"Yes, Commander. A gnome who was temporarily housed at the grove. According to the agents, he is no longer there. Had some sort of disagreement with the subjects."
"Usually turns out very poorly for the fools silly enough to disagree with them, as you put it."
"Indeed. This Telwyn was worsted, but our agents believe that he managed to escape without sustaining any grievous injury."
"Luckier than most, then. Something about the name...some kind of to-do with him and the dead, some years ago. Been wandering here and there ever since, turns up every so often, wears out his welcome again, moves on. Make note of him, but I don't think we need spare any resources on pursuing that one."
"Yes, Commander. Ahem, to continue, very shortly after their last encounter with Telwyn, the group emerged from the grove, albeit with a curious absence."
"Oh? Who were they missing?"
"It seems that the devotee of the goddess Threnody had departed some time ahead of them, and our agents reported that he was headed in a direction entirely separate from the rest of the group. The report made mention of the fact that he was muttering to himself looked back over his shoulder several times before he was lost to sight."
"Lost to sight?"
"Yes, sir. The agents determined that it was best to save their resources for following the two primaries."
"Well, it's their decision, and probably for the best, at that. Still, that one's been with them for a while. Might have been worth it to have given him a litle accident on the highroad, see what information they could have gotten from him. ...Bah, what-ifs and might-haves. Continue."
"Yes, Commander. It seems that our subject group headed directly for Drachenhorn."
"Drachenhorn. What in hell's belly could they want there? The little one would get eaten raw and kicking in that town."
"Of that, the agents are not yet certain, sir. It could have something to do with the increasing bounty on their heads."
"That damned lot of scoundrels still? How much now?"
"Their report claims that it has increased to 100 gold per head. And they achieved some small success, after a fashion."
"Hm, what happened?"
"The subjects had joined up with an Amari caraven headed to the city. Accounts were confused, but it seems they were ambushed by a group of undead. Led by some kind of undead assassin. Slew their druid at one go."
"Can't say I'm surprised. That lot will resort to those methods. Boody and brutal, might as well be in a war--but effective enough, I guess, at the right moments."
"As you say, Commander. They managed to drive this thing off, and found someone to raise their comrade...."
"What is it? It isn't like you to balk at unpleasantness."
"No, Commander, of course not. But if the report in full is to be credited, it was Nibar who drove the thing off, after it had finished with the druid, while the others were tending to the other undead."
"By himself. Doesn't sound much like our little kobold, does it? He's not the sort to be flinging about fire and wrath."
"No, sir. Yet they state unequivocally that there was a ray of white light that originated from him. They did acquire a number of tools for handling the undead, in that monastery, Commander."
"Mm, yes, I remember. But this is all fairly standard, aside from the rather brief death of their tree-hugger, wouldn't you say? I don't see the great bad in here."
"That's what I was just coming to, sir. While in Drachenhorn, Commander, they seem to have...well, to have vanished."
"As best the agents can determine, sir. They tailed the subjects to the elven enclave. We know that they had been given rooms at one of the elven lodgings. Then, in the night, there was some kind of trouble, a fire perhaps. Reports here are quite sketchy. But they did not come out, and no bodies were found."
"Sketchy. And no bodies. If I didn't know you were overseeing this operation personally, I'd tell you to have those agents quit the alehouses and get back to their duty. We know he's able to transport himself over distances; maybe they escaped that way."
"Yes, over, as such things are reckoned, quite short distances. The agents assure me that if such magic had been used, they'd have found out about it. They did note some kind of faint magical aura, once they were able to move in for a closer examination. Of a kind they'd not encountered before. I did press them, Commander, and they said it was twisted, almost tortured, if one could say such a thing of magical energies. As if we'd held it for questioning, given it over to the Interrogators, tossed what was left into the dungeons to rot for a couple of years, and then turned it loose again on the world."
"Hmph. If they've gone plane-hopping, then we've no hope of keeping up with them. But they can't do that themselves, yet, by your account."
"No, sir. I am confident that that intel is correct."
"That is bad news. Maybe worse than we know. ...Well, the best we can for now is to have your agents keep looking for them. Tell them to double-time it and no breaks till they've picked them up again. They're authorized for full expenses, all methods short of bloodshed. Whatever it takes, but find them."
"Of course, Commander. If I may...?"
"Part of you being here alone for these briefings is so you can offer a candid opinion. Ask."
"Are they really worth those kinds of resources, sir? I realize that both of our primaries are unusual, in both threat and opportunity, but aren't they just exiles? Neither of them even have much useful intelligence to offer up to the humans in Kiergard or Drachenhorn."
"You're right, or least you should be. But something else is going on here. Something, I don't know, shadowy, that has something to do with here, with Valkith. And especially when it has any bearing on Valkith or the Bloodskull, I can't stand not knowing."
"Yes, Commander."
"Whatever resources, whatever means, short of blood. Find them, and stay hard on them from now on. If possible, I want a record of everything they say, down to the details of what they say in their sleep."
"I'll see to it, Commander." |
From the journal of Nibar The Nervous |
Contributor: Chris Schuettpelz |