I still remember that day when I was just a boy, six years old to be sure. Father had told me that it was unnecessary to take an oath at such a young age, that it is what is in our hearts that bind us to do the right thing, not in our words; that our words can sometimes be more binding than a prison, and to not be so hasty at giving someone else the key. Honestly, I never really understood what he was saying then, and I swore my oath anyways.
It was by Calahir’s example that I wanted to do it, because every good knight swears to his kingdom, to protect it from wrong doings and evil deeds. I knew my path then. I knew that my purpose would be to the laws of my fair Gideon, even before I knew what the law truly was. I don’t regret swearing those oaths, to uphold the king’s law, to protect those who can’t protect themselves, to give of myself till there is no more to give, and to stop tyranny in all of it’s evil ways.
I’ve always felt that my brother looked down on me for these things, for my need to do right no matter what. He’s never sworn such an oath, but I’ve always been proud that he was my flesh and my blood, for I’ve always seen a noble man in him, no matter the brooding thoughts that may plague him. I don’t think he ever truly has realized that I’ve always looked up to him, for while I always seemed closer to father in his mind, he and father always seemed to be closer in spirit than I ever could.
Both of them seem to contain a wise spirit, and a quick wit, knowing what battles to fight, and which are lost before they begin. Neither are cowards, though they seem to balk at upfront confrontation, I know that they would both give their lives for a cause worth fighting for.
When most people think of a king they think of a man who hides behind his throne and people; someone who sends their troops to die, while they live lavishly. Father was never one of those kings, he preferred to live on the front lines, directing troops to do only what he was willing to do himself. Never listening to the advice that his advisors would throw at him, if it meant that he not live in the middle of things. I dream of being him more often than I feel I ever am, or ever could.
Perhaps it’s my sense of good and evil that keeps me from being the kind of man he is, for while he creates the law, he also is the law. I on the other hand will always live by the law, never seeking the points where it bends and breaks like Danyelle does. Sometimes I wish I could be more flexible in this, better able to fit with my situation, but I fear I will never be anything more than a servant to fate. I just hope that Danyelle will one day realize the good that he could do, if he follows in father’s footsteps. For while I claim the title of first prince of Gideon, in my heart I know Danyelle is more father’s son than I am. |