It’s been a long and hard journey; one, which I never really wanted to begin.
I dreamt of leaving home one day, to see all of those places, which were in all of the books that we had at home. See the lands to Sellador, journey to the Abbey Of St. Planchet, to see the faith of Aesia in practice. To see the remnants of the capitol city of Lloleyn, where the spires are said to still reach above the lake, which engulfed it after the comet hit.
I’ve always wanted to see the lands Atma, and visit the Inverted Tower, where in days long since lost, the council of nine once ruled over all things. Visit with the Primus, the Runemaker, the last known inhabitant of Atma City, whom Amael has told me holds, and records, the knowledge of all things. He would truly be a wise master to learn from.
To visit the dwarven kingdoms of the Citadel Mountains and watch their smiths create mighty weapons and armors. I’ve always been curious of the dwarves, especially with traveling with the one named Uhr. How such peoples can be such stout and hearty warriors, yet be such amazing artisans has always peaked my interest. Perhaps it is their balance, that with the ferocity they hold in their hearts, they must have the vision of beauty.
Most of all I always wanted to visit the Elven lands far to the north. To see the lush forests and jungles, which it is said the L’Antwene created long ago. To visit with creatures so in-tuned with nature and magic that they live harmoniously with all life. It has always been a wonder to me that such creatures could live forever. What they might have seen along their long journeys. Needless to say however, now being here now, I’ve become disappointed in what I’ve found.
I set off, at Amael’s request, to protect these travelers, to make sure that they survive their quest. I didn’t want to go. I wanted to stay and protect my people, but Amael pointed out that if these people weren’t protected, than there may not be anything left to protect, as their mission isn’t to protect one grove, but to protect all of creation.
I never expected that our journey would take us so far however, as I suppose I never imagined the world could be so large. Traveling as we have done has really put the scope of things into perspective however. We are now in the Elven lands, and I can’t say that we have been treated very well.
It seems that the elves’ very long lives have not taught them the main rule of survival, which is that in order to survive, you must push forward to the future and not remain in the past. It’s sad really, that creatures that were once so noble, could have, lost their way, forgotten what it was to love more than just what once was. They all seem entirely focused on the past, with no care, nor regard for the future; they’ve all given up.
Part of my heart cries out in sorrow for them, while the other part is disgusted that these creatures were given the gift of eternal life, yet do not know how to appreciate life at all. Perhaps one day, the elves will once again be that noble race that I read, and heard about, but I have a feeling that I will never find them in my life time, as they are nothing but a bunch of pretentious, paranoid children, huddling, waiting for their kingdom to be rebuilt for them. |