To my family, I grieve for this hopeless race. Damnable humans, I see now why they are hated, and feared. Senseless violence and merciless killing are the tools, of an inferior race. As you probably feared we have come to trouble, and it took us. I am the only one of my party still alive. I am traveling alone, and write only in the hope that someday my letters might make it back to my lands. When the Elven armies march on these lands, and destroy the human murderers. Soon after I wrote my last letter we decided to make our way east because we saw that the mountainous terrain got easier in that direction. We made our way out of the mountains, and saw we were near a city. We discussed whether to approach the city or not, and decided against it. I didn’t feel we were far enough south to be near the rumored rebellion. So we waited for dusk, and snuck to the forest. As we were approaching the edge of the wood we heard shouts from the city, and we began to run. A rain of arrows fell on our heads, and caused us to change our tact. We ran separately into the forest, and were pursued by the soldiers, and guardsmen of the city. Riordan, and I soon found each others, and heard the cries of men, and elf in the wood. Soon we heard a man yelling that we were elves, and at that we turned to go deeper in the forest, trusting our comrades to do the same. We soon realized that our comrades were nowhere near us, and we attempted to find them. We hd to go back towards the soldiers to do this, and though it was dangerous I still feel we made the correct choice. As we approached where the soldiers were we opted to split up, and come at them from both sides. As I approached I saw a human soldier slaughter Connal while he was kneeling on the ground. I knocked an arrow, and fired hitting the soldier in the neck, at the same moment Riordan came from the other side. Between his sword, and my bow we had the advantage, but it didn’t last long. Soon more soldiers came, and began to fight riordan back, and they began to pursue me through the forest. I took shots as I could, and began to circle back to aid Riordan. As he came into view I saw him cut down. I ran to his side, and took up his sword, allowing my anger to fuel my blows I fought back the men, and sank into the shadows. I climbed a tree, and saw that all my friends had been killed, every one of them. I cannot describe to you the anguish I felt, so many lives, so many years of friendship gone. This was two days ago, and I have fled the area it happened in, and am staying away from the cities. I don’t know what to do, and am hoping to figure that out sometime soon. For now I am just traveling, and thinking. I kept Riordan’s sword, and scabbard. With my other weapons I am now very well armed. I feel safe though I know I am not. Soon I will probably turn to the east, and head north. Hoping to hit the northern coast, and find a way back home. This quest was apparently a pointless venture. The humans are barbarous murderers, and wicked people. Even if there is a rebellion, I fear that they will not be much better. I’ve only to make my way home now, more intelligent than before, and with a purpose. To protect the elven lands from these humans, until they are no longer a threat.