Tua thieves defeated, we continued to Verdain Keep without too much incident. Once there we encountered a very strange ranger who set us up with a campsite, rations and all necessities we would need for our upcoming journey.
Our mission (if you would call it that) is to travel to Tuallen to help in any way we can. Gallen is to find any leadership in place and use his title to raise the moral of the besieged town. Aparently Tuallen was besieged by orcs. This was not uncommon for the town, but seeing as the orcs apparently marched in formation, constructed siege equiptment, and appeared to have a preset battle plan, this battle stood out from all others.
We proceeded to head off to the north, Aeric tracking them all along. The sheer number or the creatures seemed to make it easy, but occasionally I lost the trail... thankfully he was able to follow. Several days later we arrived at the caves of the orcs, and figured out a plan to enter the cave. |