I hate this place, it is far too quiet. It is as if there are no living creatures for several miles Not something that makes me feel exactly comfortable. For three days and nights I have watched the abandoned Druid Grove, Dark Oak. It feels as if this land is now cursed as the magic here is gone since the Church of Aesia saw fit to destroy the druid grove, disrupting the cycle of nature in this region. For now though I await the arrival of a half-elf by the name of Jerick. So far I've been met by only disappointment as he has yet to appear. Hiram seems certain that this half-elf will come back to this desolate land, I on the other hand cannot believe that he will return as he was last seen this past spring heading to the forbidden lands to the north. Rumors have it that the elves came from there. How much longer should I await this Jerick. I know nothing of him other than he is a half-breed, but Hiram speaks of him as he were his own chilled, so he must be of some worth. I will wait until I either hear word to discontinue or until this Jerick sh....wait I hear something ....
...After days finally a sign of life has appeared in this forsaken land. Upon investigating, lo and behold, the infamous Jerick has shown himself. After watching for several minutes, observing the behavior of him and his ragtag group of friends I was spotted, though I'm not quite sure how, as I was perfectly hidden, but the half-elf, in mid-sentence, turned away from his companions to look directly at my position. As to avoid an unnecessary confrontation I showed myself and made my intentions clear.
Jerick himself appears to be a mild mannered individual, but he appears to have a few children travelling with him, to what end, I haven't asked. The only person with him who seems to be an adult as well is what appears to be a wizard of some sort. I believe the wizard's name is Dean, though I failed to catch the three children's names. I am currently in the process of returning Jerick and his motley group to Hiram. I only hope that Jerick's companions prove to be less trouble than they appear as discretion does not appear to be a strong suit for any of them. |