I learned over the last few days one of life’s simplest, or possibly most complex, pleasures, I flew. Jerick cast some of his magic on us, turning us into birds so as to travel swiftly to the elven lands in the north while not being seen. It was one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life. To be in the air, far above the ground, staring at the world as we pass by. Seeing a town that seems so huge when you’re inside it but being able to see just how miniscule it is in comparison to the rest of the world, it really puts things into perspective. As a human our immediate surrounding seem so huge, but the world itself is so far from us and out of sight that it our problems seem huge. But to the bird you can really see how small we really are, how small kingdoms are, how small our lives our. Any and all fear seems inconsequential. I think I will always want to be a bird now. |