It’s funny how life’s little ironies work toward your benefit sometimes. For now certain doom has been averted. How do you ask? Well, it seems in the time of old, when Naresh came the first time and Aesia ascended, dragons ruled the earth, in promise for their protection the Elven king of the time, Aradhrath, was granted a boon to be named at any future time by either himself or any of his lineage. It would seem the current king, Dalenurell, Aradhrath’s son, sought to use this boon to ally the dragons to threaten the people of Sellador. Unfortunately, he didn’t count on one thing, Jerick. It seems Jerick and myself now have something in Common, we are both the descendents of noble blood. I almost want to cry it’s so funny that Jerick, the one who gave me such a hard time for being unable to deal with such a foreign concept, now gets to walk a mile in my shoes. That’s not the best part however.
The best part is that King Dalenurell, unwittingly lost his boon by sending the one person alive, that we know of, who could claim that boon other than the king. It’s great how when everything seems stacked against you, that it seems to have a way of working itself out. Granted we have now made an enemy for life, but that’s okay.
After careful deliberation by all of us, we came to a consensus that the best use of the boon would be to ask for transport back to Selador. Granted, I thought it might be best to enlist the dragons to our aid, but that idea was quickly shot down. Actually, I partly relieved that Jerick didn’t want to take my advice. As the old saying goes: Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
The dragon seemed happy to have fulfilled the ancient boon, and we got some sort of stone out of the deal that Dean seems to be irately happy about. None of us can quiet understand what he’s talking about other than it has to do with something alchemical. I’ll leave this one to him, the rest of us can smile knowing that we have averted disaster once more. Ah, were so close to returning home. I have feeling that I’ll be sleeping well tonight. |