The modern dating system for the world of Geas evolved from the druidic method of measuring the passage of seasons. Each month is named for an animal or legendary creature, and between each month lies a holiday celebrating the equinox, solstice, or a day dedicated to some deity. Many of the holidays dedicated to the elder gods are celebrated not out of peity but more out of tradition. A year on Geas is 365 days long, twelve of which are holidays.
Month | Animal | Length | Season | Dracos | Dragon | 31 | Winter | Badur's Day (The Thawing) | Ashe | Pheonix | 28 | Spring | Aesia's Day (The Rebirth) | Terra | Dryad | 30 | Spring | Alban Eiler (Spring Equinox) | Satur | Satyr | 29 | Spring | Festival of Æros | Leos | Lion | 29 | Summer | Hoarvath (The Sowing) | Archon | Celestial | 30 | Summer | Alban Heruin (Summer Solstice) | Traeos | Treant | 29 | Summer | Zananna (The Journey) | Grifondur | Griffon | 31 | Autumn | Gea's Day (The Harvest) | Wyrm | Wyvern | 29 | Autumn | Alban Elved (Autumn Equinox) | Lupus | Wolf | 30 | Autumn | Agrash (The Hearth) | Teros | Troll | 29 | Winter | Hadyan's Day (The Reverance) | Ursa | Bear | 30 | Winter | Alban Arthuan (Winter Solstice) |
The current system of measuring the passage of years was instituted by the church of Aesia of Sellador 173 years after the ascension of the goddess. It supposes to measure the time since the ascension, though errors are known to exist.The Solstice calendar, in its original form, was developed by the druidic orders of Sellador. It assumes the last day of the year to be the winter solstice, and names each month after an animal. The modern calendar is an altered version, with additional holidays added by the church and the namesof several months altered to represent popular mythical creatures rather than those used in the original druidic version.