Obsidian Skin |
Hard shards of black obsidian to erupt from the target |
Conjuration (Creation) [Earth] Level: Drd 4, Sor/Wiz 3 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Action Range: Touch Target: Creature touched Duration: 1 round / level (D) Saving Throw: Fortitude Half (See Text) Spell Resistance: Yes
The spell causes hard shards of black obsidian to erupt from the targets body, dealing 2d4 damage +1 point per 2 caster levels (maximum +5) piercing damage to that creature, which can attempt a fortitude save for half damage. Any target wearing armor heavier than light takes only the damage, receives none of the benefits listed below, and receives no save to halve the damage.
The target creature gains an additional armor bonus of +1 / 2 caster levels (maximum +5), and the ability to make melee attacks with its obsidian spikes, dealing 2d4 damage +1 point per 2 caster levels (maximum +5) of slashing damage. For example, if a 12th level druid cast this spell upon her animal companion, the creature would deal 2d4+5 (plus its normal strength modifier) points of slashing damage with a successful attack. Creatures attacking the wearer of Obsidian Skin with natural weapons or grappling the creature suffer 1d4 +1 / 2 caster levels (maximum +5) of slashing damage with a successful hit or grapple. If the spell recipient grapples an opponent while under the effects of this spell the creature grappled takes 1d4 +1 / 2 caster levels (maximum +5) damage each round automatically.
Spell casters find it impossible to cast spells while under its effects due to the limitations of movement and pain imposed by this spell.
The material component of this spell is a shard of obsidian worth at least 25 gp.
v 1.03 - June 23, 2003 |
Contributor: Mortedamos |