Elemental Claw |
Imbues a natural attack with a visible field of elemental energy. |
Evocation (elemental) Level: Drd 2 Components: V,S,M,DF Casting Time: 1 Action Range: Touch Target: Natural weapon touched Duration: 1 round per level Saving Throw: See Text Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell imbues a natural attack with a visible field of elemental energy, enabling the caster to deal extra damage of a certian elemental type with each strike. The spell recipient is allowed a fortitude to negate the effects of this spell, if they so choose.
Possible elemental types are as follows:
Fire: Adds 1d4 fire damage. Ice: Adds 1d4 freezing damage. Lightning: Adds 1d4 electrical damage. Acid: Adds 1d4 acidic damage.
The elemental field is clearly visible when an attack is being made, and the extra elemental damage occurs only with a succesful strike is landed with the imbued natural attack. Only one elemental type can be in effect on the same natural weapon at any given time.
The material components of this spell vary with the type of element imbued.
Fire: A small coal Ice: A few drops of water Lightning: A piece of amber and fur (not consumed in the casting) Acid: A small amount of acid (such as vinegar, or even the caster's own saliva) |
Contributor: Mortedamos |