Spell Sneeze |
Causes a spellcaster to sneeze during the most inopportune time. |
Enchantment (Compulsion) Level: Sor, Wiz 1 Components: V,S Casting Time: 1 Action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5ft. / 2 levels) Target: Living creature Duration: 1 round Saving Throw: Fortitiude Neg Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell causes a spellcaster to sneeze during the most inopportune time, causing him to fumble any spells he was attempting to cast with verbal components. Any time the target attempts to cast a spell within the next single round he must make a fortitude save or loose his spell to a fit of sneezing. The target can attempt to continue casting the spell if he fails the fortitude save, but must make a concentration check as if distracted by a nondamaging spell (page 65 of the players handbook v3.0).
Distracted by non damaging spell DC = Distracting spell's save DC + spell level.
v 1.00 - August 16 2002 |
Contributor: Mortedamos |