I kicked so much butt today! (Ouch) I just cut a swath through all the enemies. (Ooh) The bigger they are the harder they fall. (Ow) Okay, so I got a little banged up too, but I'll recover.
So we marched across the land. Our party had decided to go with the first mounted group. Anything for a fight right? We finally got there after about, well, it took forever. Finally we come to a clearing and there's the city, blackened and smoldering. The army of beasties is celebrating outside the city. We line up and then they're lined up. This big ugly frost giant steps up and opens his great gaping maw, like he's going to say something. Then twang and thuk! I loosed an arrow and hit him right in the chest. My aim actually isn't half bad. So the giant lets out an almighty roar and the whole lot of them charge. What else to do then but yell back and charge ourselves?
The lines clashed and they buckled our front. We were planning on driving a wedge inbetween them. Nope. Didn't happen. Jacques, Arangil, Anwar, Altaire, and I got separated from Dolartu and Islan in the confusion. At least they had Bjorn to protect them. We were able to track them though. Occasionally we'd see a fireball or a flashing sword. So we're pretty sure they didn't die. Anwar wasn't much help at first. She just kept running away. I get that she needs range to do her thing, but put a couple arrows in the suckers as you back off! We knew it was kill or be killed so we had to act with ruthless efficiency. I was covered in the blood of frost giants, hill giants, bug bears, and my own. Those pesky giants got in a couple of lucky hits with those gigantic axes.
But now we have to go look for some elf in the mountains. Great, another elf, like we need another of those. Well, I guess the elves around me now are good to have around. And this one may not be as stuffy, having lived among the humans. And I certainly can't launch a fireball like our magic users. Oh well. I'm not going to decide which way we should journey. I'm no tactition. But I relish the thought of sinking my blades into another giant. (Ouch!) After I've healed a little, that is. |