Aside from the cold, I could really get my kicks from these northerners. All the men are big and burly. You know, the type that’s “Me big. Me swing ax.” Probably not too fast, but, damn, can they throw a party.
So we finally got to Huld after running for a solid day and the first thing we see are some ogres. Dolartu sends a fireball screaming down the hill. Jacques actually tripped and fell down the hill. Don’t think I’ve ever seen that before. So I went charging after him. I tore into the monsters and dropped two before you could blink. Then Dolartu barreled down and bit the third’s face off. Yes, I said bit. I guess I forgot to mention that.
When Dolartu woke, he turned to face us and, holy crap of Asceia! Suddenly his face was elongated, he had cat’s eyes, and he had a tail. Not to mention the big pointy teeth. And he’s BALD! There was a big pile of hair in his bedroll. The first nubbins of horns. At first it was a little creepy, but seeing as how he is still so skinny, it’s a little humorous now. And at least he can fight now instead of just waving his hands in the air.
So a cavalcade of beasts had attacked the city of Huld. You can tell the villagers here are fierce fighters because only part of the outer wall and a few outbuildings were destroyed. I guess slow but with a big ax can do the job. So we get there and find out that their leader, a cleric, had died in the battle. Too bad for Islan. He has to remain stupid, but I don’t think that any cleric can help him there. I wandered around town while everyone else did their own thing. I entertained some of the children for a while. I strung a rope between two buildings and tight roped it. Tumbled on rooftops. The usual. Jacques and Altair worked like dogs helping the villagers out. Islan sat and copied spells into his new book. Honestly, you’d think after looking at the pages so much he wouldn’t need the book anymore.
So the old cleric is dead. Eventually, this chick shows up that our new ranger friend doesn’t like or trust. But Dolartu does. They found each other attractive and made an assignation for later that evening. I argued with him for a while, but he was determined. Something about how he had dreamed of her. What bull. I used to dream about someone. Futility in action. I decided to follow them after Anwar told me that there was a chance she would eat Dolartu. I doubt that idea. He’s much too stringy. But what a boring assignation! They’re supposed to be sexy and romantic. All they did was talk, until they disappeared into the tent. I was consumed with ennui, but I knew I wasn’t the only one to follow. So I made my way to Anwar. She was looking green, with good purpose. Apparently Dolartu was. . .letting the dragon loose, so to speak. Eew.
Then there was the party. First there was a very solemn funeral where the body was burned. No one wants to dig up this frozen earth. But then it was time to let our hair down. I was so drunk. And I danced all night. I messed with lots of these northerners’ heads. Ha ha. I had several propositions myself. Especially after they realized I was no fragile flower. But the drums of battle are calling and I must be off. There’s ogres in them there hills!