New Weapon And Armor Bonuses For D&D 3rd Edition |
Special Ability - Modifier Aiming - +2 Ambushing - +1 Arcane - +1 Energy Breathing - +1 Finding - +2 Forceful - +2 Raging - +1 Readiness - +1 Savant - +3 Seeking - +4 Shadowed - +2 Shadowed, Greater - +4 Skillful - +2 Talented - +1 Unsundered - +1
Aiming A weapon so enchanted guides the casters hand to strike the target. The wielder will turn their sword at the last moment, or make a last minute adjustment to the aim of their bow before releasing an arrow. This provides a +3 insight bonus to hit. This does not apply to damage.
Caster Level: 1st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, True Strike; Market Price: +2 bonus.
Ambushing A character wielding a weapon with this property gains the ability to perform a sneak attack as a first level Rogue, granting them an extra 1d6 damage on a successful attack against an unprepared opponent.
A character that already has the ability to make sneak attacks gains a extra +1 enhancement bonus to each of their sneak attack dice. For example, a rogue that normally inflicts 2d6 extra damage with a sneak attack will inflict 2d6+2 damage instead.
Caster Level: 1st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Sneak Attack Special Ability; Market Price: +1 bonus.
Arcane Reduces the arcane spell failure rate of armor by 5%, to a minimum of 5%. This special ability can be applied more than once, its effects stack with itself.
If it is applied to armor that has a reduced arcane spell failure rate due to some other, non-magical or class based factor, such as mithral armor, it is possible to reduce the arcane spell failure rating for that armor to 0%. For example, sextet arcane (that is, -30% arcane failure at +6 in bonuses) mithral half-plate would have an arcane failure rate of 0% and a cost of 45900 GP. Though this seems expensive at first in comparison with bracers of armor of the same power level, it frees up the casters other item slots and even allows for additional bonuses from other armor abilities.
Caster Level: 1st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Mage Armor; Market Price: +1 bonus for each time applied.
Energy Breathing This ability is applied to a shield that is usually decorated with some kind of facial motif, usually the head of a dragon or some other type of monstrous supernatural creature. As a move equivalent action the shield can be commanded to spew forth a line of energy of specific elemental type for 2d6 damage of that type. For example, a shield of fire breath could bellow forth a line of flame for 2d6 fire damage. The energy breath attack has a range of 30 feet and a reflex save dc of 12 to save for half damage.
Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, 2nd level spell of appropriate energy type; Market Price: +1 bonus.
Finding Weapons of finding guide their wielder with subtle magics that help them strike at their opponent’s weak spots. This provides a +3 insight bonus to damage. This does not apply to hit.
Caster Level: 1st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Magic Weapon; Market Price: +2 bonus.
Forceful As ghost touch, but also deals an extra 1d4+1 force damage to the target.
Caster Level: 1st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Magic Missile; Market Price: +2 bonus.
Raging A character wielding a weapon with this property gains the ability to rage once per day as though they were a first level barbarian.
A character that already has the ability to rage grains one extra use of the rage ability per day and can rage for 150% as long as normal.
Caster Level: 1st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Rage Special Ability; Market Price: +1 bonus.
Readiness A weapon of readiness grants the bearer of the weapon a +2 luck bonus to initiative. This bonus is granted even if the weapon is sheathed - as long as the weapon can be drawn within a single move action.
Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Cat’s Grace; Market Price: +1 bonus.
Savant As talented, but this ability grants a +20 insight bonus to a single type of skill check.
Caster Level: 14th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Weildskill (from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting) or appropriate skill bosting spell (The Jump spell, for example); Market Price: +3 bonus.
Seeking A weapon so enchanted imbues the wielder with a near prescient knowledge of the targets next move. This provides a +6 insight bonus to hit. This does not apply to damage.
Caster Level: 1st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, True Strike; Market Price: +4 bonus.
Shadowed A weapon with this ability trails a black, semi-transparent after image of itself when swung at an opponent. If the weapon is used to make a successful attack against a target there is a 20% chance that the shadowy after image of the weapon will strike as well, dealing damage to the target creature again as if it had been struck by the weapon a second time. This extra percentage chance for an extra hit applies to every attack made with that weapon in the round. If the wielder of a shadowed weapon makes two attacks in a round with the weapon they would roll the 20% of an extra hit for each attack. This property cannot be applied to attacks meant to entangle an opponent. This ability can be applied to a weapon only once.
Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Shadow Conjuration; Market Price: +2 bonus.
Shadowed, Greater As shadowed, but with a 60% chance of an extra hit. This ability can be applied only once, but stacks with the shadowed weapon property. For example, the weilder of a weapon with both properties would roll percentile dice twice: once for the 20% chance of an extra hit confered by the shadowed ability and again for the 60% chance of an extra hit confered by the greater shadowed ability.
Caster Level: 15th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Greater Shadow Conjuration; Market Price: +4 bonus.
Skillful As talented, but this ability grants a +10 insight bonus to a single type of skill check.
Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Weildskill (from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting) or appropriate skill bosting spell (The Jump spell, for example); Market Price: +2 bonus.
Talented This weapon grants a +5 insight bonus to a single type of skill check. The weapon must be held (or a hand placed upon a sheathed weapons hilt) or the armor must be worn for the bonus to take effect. Certain skills that require two hands to use effectively can only be granted bonuses to by armor, leaving the hands free to work. If the character has more than two appendages they are allowed to bypass this restriction as long as the weapon is held in some way.
If the weapon is discovered as part of treasure, roll on the chart below to determine which skill the item grants a bonus to.
Random Weapon/Armor Skills 1-3 Animal Empathy 4-6 Balance 7-10 Bluff 11-13 Climb (Armor Only) 14-15 Concentration 16-19 Craft (DMs Choice) 19-21 Diplomacy 22-24 Disable Device (Armor Only) 25-27 Escape Artist 28-30 Handle Animal (Armor Only) 31-33 Heal (Armor Only) 34-36 Hide 37-41 Intimidate 42-45 Jump 46-66 Knowledge (DMs Choice) 67-68 Listen 69-71 Move Silently 72-74 Open Lock (Armor Only) 75-77 Perform (DMs Choice) 78-80 Ride 81-82 Search 83-85 Sense Motive 86-88 Spot 89-91 Tumble 92-94 Use Magic Device (Armor Only) 95-97 Survival 98 Autohypnosis 99 Stabilize Self (Armor Only) 100 Item is cursed
Cursed Item: Roll again on this table. The item provides a penalty to that skill instead. If it is a weapon it does not need to be held to take effect.
Caster Level: 2nd; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Weildskill (from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting) or appropriate skill bosting spell (The Jump spell, for example); Market Price: +1 bonus.
Unsundered If an object with this power is ever broken its pieces can be brought back together to form a whole, restoring the object to its previous state. If the pieces of the object are held together for 10 minutes they reattach themselves, perfectly mending the break and restoring the weapon to its previous fully magical state.
Caster Level: 1st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Mending; Market Price: +1 bonus. |
Contributor: Mortedamos |