ALAWAN: the boy has his uses, and is sometimes fun to listen to. I think that someday, he will be a great warrior and woodsman. He lacks worldly experience, but that will come with age. Sometimes annoying gnat, sometimes-valiant champion, the sands of time will temper the steel of his soul.
DANYELLE: he comes from a long line of tradition, not unlike myself, but does not accept his heritage as readily, I think. Sometimes he can be a bit petty with his lust for wealth, but a worthwhile companion nonetheless.
DEAN: this man is a mystery to me. I hate this man, but am intrigued by him. How one with so little Common sense could survive in the world alone is mind boggling, but again, like all of my companions, Dean fills a much-needed role in our quest, I think. What that will be is yet to be seen, and I await the day that this bungling wizard proves himself to me. Amidst all of the distaste I have for him, one cannot help but appreciate the fact that he mourned my passing.
JERICK: half elf, half man. Monk of the martial ways, and druid of the sacred grove, this one is the only companion so far who has yet to annoy me, or fail the party in some way. A completely competent warrior, and a wise advisor, he will also, like Alawan, grow to greatness. His infatuation with my grandmother is beginning to wear thin on my nerves. Perhaps the organ with which he thinks of my grandmother could use a removing.
Aesia help us travel the path before us.
Naresh destroy those who would waylay us.
Or I will