In the late spring, on a pleasant afternoon shortly after a refreshing spring rain the elder of the Dark Oak Druidic Order strode into the clearing, the crisp smell of the rain was still in the air as he surveyed the area. At the center of this particular clearing there was a gigantic black oak whose twin trunks rose out of a single stump, each trunk was easily fifteen hands across; the highest branches easily raised twice the height of a man above every other tree in the forest. Something odd stuck out in the elder’s vision, nestled in the crook of these huge pillar like trunks was a small bundle of furs, but it seemed to move before his eyes. He moved to it quickly and saw a child, not more than two seasons old cradled therein he took the child into his arms and noticed immediately that there was something different about this boy, his features were sharp and beautiful, almost unnaturally so, and upon being picked up his long straight jet black hair fell away from his ears to reveal that they came to a sharp point at the top. He was at the very least surprised by this, these were the features of the elves of legend spoken of in the order sacred scripture, he had learned of them all his life but this was the first he had ever seen of them.
Suddenly a half whispered voice from his side startled him “Elder Hiram, take this child”
He turned suddenly to see a thin man in a gray cloak and hood “Whatever do you mean my good sir?”
“Your order has long supported our people and their ways, I ask that you raise this child in your order with all the knowledge and learning you can provide, He will do his people a great service one day with proper guidance.” the strange said calmly.
“Indeed sir, and I will take this child, the stars told me of great events coming this day” Said the druid knowing himself to be now in the presence of one of elven blood, “what is the child’s name?”
The stranger leapt to the trees and was gone, but as he went he said over his shoulder, “His name is Jerick, and he will receive visitors in the future, tell him so.”
The elder then found himself alone with the child, he wrapped the child in the furs he was found in and took him with him to the monastery. His training began immediately He was raised in the ways of Aesia, and taught the ways of the order, and his people. The elder taught him secretly the ways of the elves and that it would be better to keep his heritage a secret. This training was by no means an easy task, it required intense physical training, as well as instruction in the ways of nature, plants and animals, and in the history of the world, both of his people, and of those he now lived among.
Jerick grew as a normal boy, and at the age of thirteen years he returned to the clearing where he was first discovered. He looked in awe at the gigantic oak and was immediately drawn to climb the tree. He quickly made his way up the tree and found himself perfectly at home there. This quickly became his favorite meditation spot, and he built a small shrine to Aesia in the crook of the trunk there. He spent many days, and many nights at that tree, and it was an inspirational place for him. When he was there he felt a closeness to his people he felt nowhere else, he also felt a peace and safety that made him happy.
On one of his visits to the tree after a couple of hours he felt that he was no longer alone. He quickly looked around him. There, Jerick saw, standing on a limb with a grace he had never seen before, a thin hooded figure. The hood hung low over the stranger’s face, but he had sharp features, and something was different about him. The man walked delicately down the branch towards Jerick, and handed him a small leather bound parcel then turned and walked away. Before Jerick could say a word the stranger was gone. Jerick dropped out of the tree and sat before the shrine and opened the package. Inside he found a scroll written in what Elder Hiram had taught him was the language of his people. It told him of an aristocrat in Lloleyn who possessed a ring that contained powers that may prove harmful to this world. In the package there was an identical ring to replace the one he must take. This bothered Jerick, because everything he had ever been taught forbade stealing. He tucked the package into his robes and ran as swiftly as his feet would carry him to see the elder. He handed Hiram the package and awaited his response.
“This is a duty handed to you by your people,” the elder said "it would be beyond me to question their intentions, simply be careful and carry out your mission.”
“But stealing is against our teachings here is it not master?”
“Indeed it is, but these duties from the Elven people are indeed to do good for all. Simply retrieve the ring and leave it where you first found this package. Oh, and burn the instructions, it could be harmful to you if someone wee to find them.”
“Yes master” Jerick answered dutifully, but he wondered why such an important task would be given to one only in his fifteenth year, and he had only been to the city a few times so this was indeed to be an experience for him. Jerick took his staff on his back and set out for the city of Lloleyn, about half a day’s journey outs of the forest he lives in, a huge metropolis, Lloleyn made Jerick uncomfortable. He came into the city at dusk, and found a shine in a garden and said his evening prayers. According to the map he was given the house was near the city wall, and so he set out and found the house. He noticed a tree at the side of the house and took to it, which made him much more at home. He surveyed the area and noticed an open window on the second floor near the tree. In one sleek movement he leapt from the tree to the floor inside the window and crouched there silently. He looked around to find himself in what appeared to be an office, and on a shelf he saw a small sculpture of a hand wearing the ring he was looking for. He moved without a sound to the ring and exchanged it with the one the he had brought with him. He let himself drop from the ledge of the window and made his way to the city gate, and out of town. This was the first such task, and by no means the last.
Jerick spent the next two years in training and living his normal life, with the occasional secret job pulled off without incident. Then one evening when the stars told of coming sadness and strength, he was called to Elder Hiram’s quarters. When he arrived there he found the old man in his chair near the fire, how frail he looked, the Elder had been an old man when he found Jerick, and now it seemed he was nearing the end of his Journey. “Come to my side my son, there that’s a good lad, I’m an old man now, but I am proud to know I raised a boy like you, you will be a great and honorable man. I am nearing the end now boy and I want you to swear to an old man you will do well and continue with your studies.”
“I will Master, I swear it…” Jerick said the tone in the druid’s voice brought a great feeling of sadness to Jerick. “Goodbye my son…” Hiram laid a hand upon Jerick’s head and with that the old man’s spirit was gone. Jerick went to the clearing that the monastery used for ceremonies, and built a pyre. After the farewell ceremony Jerick went to his tree and meditated long and hard.
His life continued very normally until his nineteenth year when he received another duty from his people telling him it was time to begin a great journey after completing his task, and he would find this journey waiting for him in Lloleyn. This journey would change his life forever. It was during this visit to Lloleyn that Jerick met Elana, a beautiful half-elven lady; he was instantly enthralled with her, although he only met her for a few moments. During this brief meeting they discussed the appearance of a comet in the sky a bad omen.
An odd twist of fate brought he and his traveling companions together, a wizard by the name of Dean who proved to be a little foolish, although useful when it came down to the line, and a cocky adventurer named Danyelle. They traveled from Lloleyn to Braes to deliver their services, and a message to the lord of the city Jerick, it was their duty to aid him in stopping an attack by some subhuman monsters called Kobolds, Jerick had heard of such things, but never seen them, they were tiny, but indeed viscous, they ate the flesh of men, it was horrific. The group was severely wounded on their first trip into the cave where the beasts dwelled, and were even forced to take temporary retreat, Jerick carried both of his companions form the cave to safety, and soon Dean was well enough to aid him in carrying Danyelle back to Braes. On this Journey Jerick noticed the comet in the sky seemed larger, more imposing than before. The clerics of the city healed them, and Jerick immediately insisted they go back and finish their fight. However when they arrived at the cave they found another site altogether the heads of many Kobolds adorned pikes at the caves entrance. The group cautiously made their way through the cave fighting the occasional bit of Kobold resistance, however it was not until they reached the deepest depths of the cave, deep in the bowels of the mountain that they discovered a greater evil behind everything, deep in the cave lie an ancient temple that as far as Jerick could understand worshiped some great doom to be coming from the sky his thoughts quickly jumped to the comet. At the back of the temple was a door they burst through the door to find yet another Kobold, but with him was some ghostlike apparition of a man seemingly giving the kobold commands. The group fought the kobold brandishing a wand that shot searing light, Jerick snatched it from him in hopes of saving the group and himself. They were finally able to kill this last Kobold, who seemed to be some sort of magician. But the apparition escaped them and used powerful magic to send tremors through the very mountain and bringing it down on top of them, the ran as fast as they could to an underground river they had passed on the way in the water there roared as if near a water fall, the trio jumped in and were spit out the mountain into a lake falling with a grand waterfall, but swimming to safety rather easily. As the group was drying off was the first time Jerick noticed the piece of tablet Dean had saved from the temple. The two were overheard speaking of a relic when the adventurers burst through the door, could this be it? These thoughts of the temple again made Jerick’s eyes wander to the sky. The comet had yet again visibly grown bigger, it seemed impossible, but it was true. The group Journeyed quickly back to Braes to find that Jerick had left for Lloleyn to investigate the disappearances of many of the city’s wise men. They followed quickly even though an immense storm was blowing about them, they rode hard, through the forest and the great thundering rush of some terrible storm nearly bowled them over as they came out of the forest they should be able to see Lloleyn, but to their horror when they exited the forest all that met their gaze was a wall of fire miles high rushing outward from where Lloleyn should be they rode with all their strength to the old shrine in the woods, and hid under a rock outcropping praying for Aesia to save them. They woke to find Lloleyn was no more and went their separate ways until destiny would draw them together again.
After the end of the lost city Jerick returned to the monastery in order to aid in the repairs there, and he also missed his home very much. During this period of reconstruction he again met this half elven woman and found her to be the High Priestess of Aesia. He pledged himself to her service should she ever call on him. During this time he also made a new-sectioned staff from a branch of his oak. He now spent more time at his tree as well.
One evening as Jerick sat in meditation at his tree, he heard footsteps approaching him. When they came close enough, he stood and turned to face them, there stood five hooded figures, the central one pulled back his hood to reveal a worn looking face bearing a scar across the left eye. The others remained unnaturally still. He questioned Jerick as to the whereabouts of a stone tablet, probably the very same that Dean had taken from the dark temple more than two years ago, Jerick told the man that he had long since parted ways with his companions, but they were traveling to the northern city, a port that had grown up mostly since the destruction of the lost city. The stranger turned and walked away, but made one last gesture towards Jerick as he left, the other beings then came to life, and Jerick gasped in horror as skeletal hands clawed at him from beneath their robes. After taking near mortal wounds Jerick fled to the monastery telling the guards of the presence of animated skeletons in the wood. He immediately went to see the elder of the order, to tell him that he must journey to warn his former companions of this upcoming danger. The elder healed him and then bid him on his way. As he left the monastery Elana handed him a pouch with some healing salve and wished him luck and safety on his journey. He quickly made his way to a tavern in the northern city that Danyelle had opened and found his companions, plus one other there and indeed Dean still had the tablet. He told them they were all in danger and that they must accompany him back to the monastery that the master might tell them more about this dreadful relic. Thus began Jerick’s second grand adventure.
Upon arriving at the monastery he immediately went to the master with this thing accompanied by Elana. When he laid the tablet before his master the elder was visibly shake. This man who had been Jerick’s mentor and teacher since Hiram’s passing, a model of serenity and peace, was shaken nearly beyond his wits. This scared Jerick more than he would ever let on. The elder told Jerick that the thing must be taken to a place where evil could never find it, and that it must be guarded dearly until reaching such a place. Jerick took up the tablet and swore to take it wherever it must go and to protect it with his life forever. Jerick went and prepared everyone for the Journey, but was surprised to find that Elana had decided to join them. They left immediately, going back to the northern city so that everyone else could gather what supplies they needed. Elana sought out a young boy, who was an excellent archer to join their number for this journey. They stayed at Danyelle’s tavern that night, and discussed their plans. Jerick and Elana decided that north past the forbidden strait to the homeland of their people was the best place to go, so it was decided that they would leave the next morning. The group was set upon that night during their sleep; Jerick heard the approach of someone and looked to see the same man with four robed figures he had encountered at his tree. A great fight ensued, and after receiving major wounds, Jerick and his companions defeated the stranger. Although this victory taught them little of their enemy other than that they are indeed formidable. After the battle a tragedy was discovered in the tavern kitchen there were signs of a struggle, and Elana was missing. Their journey was delayed as the constables had many questions about this attack, but the next night at midnight they procured transportation across the strait and set foot on the Elven lands for the first time. Not knowing what was ahead of him, Jerick’s mind dwelled on Elana and he hoped to see her again. |