We have run into interesting company upon our arrival to the island set in the Lake of Death. A group of elves and a blind human. The elves were at full bristle with our arrival, I believe mostly due to our companion Dantas. It seems they had some similiar run-ins with the church, so I can understand their wariness. However, it would seem that two of the elves are of the more militant mindset that I remember Elle talking occasionally of. One of them also carries one of the legendary sun swords. The human interests me far more than the elves, though. Jacques is his name and if I were to quess, his ancestory is from the peoples of the desert, although I may be wrong. He too shares a connection to Celestia, but this is only a part of my interest. The feature of intrigue is his ability to see. Physically, he is blind, but still he is able to react to his environment as a man with full sight, mayhap even better. I wonder how he came to this. After the initial heated meeting, things smoothed over, albit a little at least. The next day, both groups traveled out together though they were searching for something far different than we. Traveling the island, we came across Llolyen but not Llolyen. Eberything seemed in place, but jumbled about. I wandered among the ghosts of long past memories as the others, lost and unsure, followed. By midday, I brought them to the temple doors. Inside, we met the first line of its defenders. Golloms created from the glass mosaics set into the windows. When the last of them shattered against the floor, we proceeded to find entry into the catacombs. Many priests and nobles were long ago brought here in sacred rituals of burial. Going down the branch off to the right, we came out into a room seeped in evil. I was a might bit appalled at many of the reactions to "come back later." Here in front of us all was a vile abombination and many wated to flee?! Instructing placements, I then had Brandent remove the lid from the main sarcophocus. Out rose the cause of the permeating wickedness, a death knight. Many were injured in the ensuing fight, the undead warriour calling forth skeletal minions and releasing blasts of unholy eldrich flame. The elf they called Islan finished off the knight: lancing the sun sword into the perversion's chest and letting its power flood into it. After a brief rest, we resumed our search. Traveling down the other passage, we came into what appeared to be an enormous treasure hall. A quick search uncovered an old figure, huddled down sifting through the gold and silver, searching. I knew this man when he was younger, but it seemed he had lost himself to madness. Int the long years since last I saw him, Horace's power had grown immensly. I know now that in a duel he would have easily bested me. He summoned other-planar creatures to his aid, powerful ones. Fortunately, during the vicous, chaotic fighting, Arilyn I believe her name was, stripped him of what gave him such awesome power, the very shard crystal they were searching for. Alas I do not remember much afterwards, for my injuries were grevious. I let exhaustion take over me. When I awoke, the elves and the strange blind man were go9ne. I hope his goddess watches over them and for us to meet in better times. |