"...so god and man may be joined in a single being...spirit lives eternal...flesh crumbles to dust...shining light. . .love for the people...now and always...know me..." Words of Creation
And Dolartu perishes for a second time. FrostFang is hoping the third time will be the charm, on the end of his point of course. Sometimes I try to reason with him. Dolartu really is an asset to our group, though you'll probably never hear those words from my lips. But I'd like to see anyone successfully reason with FrostFang. He's just so fixated on getting rid of him...her...um...getting rid of Dolartu. I tell FrostFang he's no dragon. The only response I get is "Yet. It's not yet a dragon. And it really is better to get them while they're young." Sometimes I tend to agree, Dolartu can really be a smarmy jerk sometimes, but kill him over that? If death penalties were given out over being a jerk, I'd be a medical miracle.
So we get into the catacombes. For over TWO HOURS we walked down stairs, to eventually discover that we hadn't moved anywhere in TWO HOURS! Stupid illusions.
But I am getting better at finding out where the traps are and stuff. I did save us once from getting crushed by a big rock dropping from the ceiling. Figured out after that to look up where there are faint lines saying "if you go any farther this way, I'll squash you. Ha ha."
But the mummies! Oh my gods! I couldn't seem to help it. I thought they were going to eat me! I freaked out and attacked Dolartu. While FrostFang would have happily cheered me on, Dolartu gave me the kick I needed. Ok, I wouldn't move and s/he dragged me away to calm me down. You know, for a dainty half-elven maiden...sorry laughing to hard to write...for a dainty half-elven maiden she's pretty butch.
Finally, we get into the archives. There's a bridge going over what I guess is the city's river. Underground its fine, but in the city proper its as dry as Dolartu's...um...humor. Yeah, that's it. Humor. I don't get it but we'll fix that problem eventually. On the far wall is a bunch of glowing letters. The elven woman we've been searching for is unconscious on the ground. Dolartu starts across the bridge and loses her balance, so we thought. Falls in the river and gets sucked to the bottom. Then the water demon shows up. Big long tendrils of water determined to smack us around. I can't get anywhere close to the thing so I cross the bridge only to realize the middle section isn't actually there. I start to fall through, but thanks to my indredible reflexes, I manage to catch the edge and hang like fishbait. Then Islan, the moron, grabs my wrist trying to get me up. It's not like I couldn't have done that myself. I mean, come on, I tumble on the edges of rooftops. Why he didn't go after Dolartu, Jacques, or our new hairy, skirted friend, who were already IN the water, I couldn't tell you. After defeating the beast, we realized were too late. Dolartu had perished. Again. So now we had two bodies to get to the surface. It soon became three.
Islan is, of course, drawn to the writing on the wall. He thought it was magic words. He was right. While attempting to figure it out, he shrieked like a little girl and collapsed. I don't know what magics he cast but I could read every word on that wall. It was like I had known the language all my life. It was Common. Granted, I couldn't explain anything. Not in anyway that made any sense I mean. Hey! Maybe the words show you your true intelligence. Maybe I'm actually the big brain of the group and Islan is a gibbering idiot. Ok, so everyone knows that already. But my party members sure did look at me funny when I tried to read them the words. Then they said I wasn't speaking any language they knew. I don't know. I heard Common come out of my mouth.
We got everyone back to the palace. It was really odd. No one was around and it was all quiet. Then we realize that their living god, our servant earlier I might add (no wonder he was able to heal me) was about dead. Anwar and I saw him. I tried to ask him questions like a fool before I realized if I didn't shut up he'd croak in front of me. Seriously, who ever heard of a god that was both god and man? Seemed pretty crazy at first, but after reading those words...well, I know why. I wish I could explain it to everyone...Damn. I think I really AM the gibbering idiot. |