Friemen is of the Elan, a millenia years old group bent on shaping Geas to it's own ends, whatever they may be. Friemen proved usefull only as long as it was profitable. He saw no reason to go about trying to save the world. Why bother? What was life compared to the beaty of fire? Don't be misled, he loved life and had every intetion of living as long as he could. After all fire could be used to do so many things. Friemen did his share of dirty work for the elan and had some regrets but he never let them bother him as much as a normal person would probably do. When he discovered his ability to create the firelash he set out on a path to master the use of it. He had never seen anything so lovely, and HE had created it! He even went as far as to have a shorter whip fashioned and enchanted so that he may fight with the two at once. But things were not to remain on this happy path for long. He had an allegence that had been neglected, to the Elan. He recieved a message one day while in his favorite pub. There was work to do, work that he would be best suited for and the Elan where willing to forget any greivences for his services. All he had to do was set fire to a small village that was spreading it's farmland into areas that were to be protected from human eyes. He saw no problem with this and left to do his job. As he approached the village he saw whathe could only describe as the second most beautiful thing he had ever seen, Sasha. He entered the village and took the guise of a treasure seeker on an adventure. He was stopping only for rest and supplies. Later that night while in the pub he got the chance. They talked for the better part of the night and soon realized thier mutual attraction. He was torn now. He had his orders but he couldn't do it. He spent his days helping Sasha's ailing father with his small farm. About a week later as he was working in the field he saw a plume of smoke rising to the sky from the village. He dropped his shovel and ran towards the smoke. As he got closser he could hear the screams. The villagers were being killed. He could see his former life catching up to him now. He tried to find Sasha but she was nowhere to be seen. He swore that he would never again serve the elan. He knewwhat had happened here, someone else had been sent to do his job. He imediately set of to his former command post he killed the four gaurds at the door and sealed the building. He then released all his energy into setting the building ablaze. He now wanders Atma searching for a pupose and hidnig his pain. |