The battle is over, but is my mission complete? I know that my lord also asked me to gather information. To add to that I fully believe that the threat to the elven lands is still intact. I have no doubts that the forces that organized the orcish army are still at work. The questioon that I now face is what to do? I have a choice to make. The humans are sending this group of rather odd beings to the ancinet city of Atma to retrieve Azarath the forger's book. The book contains the location of various artifacts, artifacts of great power. The humans are collecting them to launch an assault on the Litch King, The apparent leader of the threat. I feel that I must take this opportunity. The humans are not ready to wield such power! I must do this for my Lord and for my homeland. Upon leaving for Atma I have discovered that the elf shaman has great skill. She appears to have a great liking for her companions, as too why I do not know. They have no elven blood between the two of them. The satyr amuses me greatly. He also has great skill but the sight of a goat man using a raapier and a large steel shield to me is comical at the very least. Having said that our arrival in Atma seems to hvae gone unnoticed. There are signs of life but they seem to be avoiding us. Rightly so, For all indications point towards the current residentss being goblinoid, no challenge at all. We have no map of the city so all we have to go on is a good guess. Considering that Azarath was the principal forger for the Circle Of Nine, the book would more than likely reside in some sort of palacial building. Our first guess led us in the wrong direction and we were surrounded by two ghosts and 6 wraiths. This is where the Shaman's ability made itself known to me. In a matter of seconds she dispacted 5 of our enemies. Our second try took us on the right path but led to an even bigger problem, an unholy riven. Again the shaman's talents proven to save the day. She summoned a greater earth elemental and pinned it to the ground allowing me the chance to decapitate it. The book is found how ever our efforts to return with the scroll given to us were foiled when the satyr tried to cast the spell. We now are faced with a long journey. Fortunatly one of the items which we now seek is in Atma so the satyr's bumbling my have been preordained. We shall soon see |