Questions, questions, and more questions. So our foray into the warehouse of the mining guild brings us one step closer, I hope, to Murdoc. The warehouse itself was as to be expected of a financially struggling company, mazes of stacked and crated equiptment but the fire breathing rats, dead dwarves, and gibberish note? Wonder why Garrett was acting strange about it? Something about Murdoc and signed by someone named Alkirk, weird, to me it looked like it said "The orange shimmers under lakes of moonlight" or some such gibberish. And the pendents with the circle of stones and three lighting bolts striking as one, I don't exactly know much of them but the rumors aren't very appealing. So on our way to the mines to rescue the dwarven hostages, to late as it happens, our financier we find out is suspended which in turn revokes our privelages and means we're not getting paid. But with hostages in question that we don't yet know are dead what else can we do but proceed? More questions. Was this some string Murdoc pulled because were actually geting close? Maybe he just got himself in trouble for using his position for a personal vindetta? Plotting against the counsil? There is a much bigger picture here that I am nowhere near to being able to make out. On a side note, my companion Protoss really impressed me when we were recieving healing and blessings at the Temple of the Ortisifer. When we asked for any aid the cleric could avail us with Protoss spoke of the Ways of the Ortisifer as if he had been born to them, most eloquently I might add. It was moving, strange that in an earlier conversation with me he didn't seem to know what a temple was. Anyway, a good, noble, and rigteous man he is. As I noted earlier, we were unable to save the hostages. That scene was a bit gruesome as I heard tell of it not having actually seen the carnage. The mine enterance was gaurded by masquraders, though who they were trying to fool I don't know. Garrett and I could see right through that facade, they fought really well though. I'm glad my new friend is as tough as he is. While the others were examining the bodies, Grimgore and I chased down the thief trying to skewer us with arrow. I got him a good one then Grimgore knocked him down the steps and when we proceeded after regrouping it gets a little hazy. I remember a cavern and 4 more of the thieves and some vicous melee with Protoss and Grimgore giving and recieving a fair amount of wallops then all was black and Cidra was kneeling over me making me drink something. Mustn't tell Mother that part when I write next. Garrett found another gibberish note and believes our next step should be the sewers under the theatre district. Great, more rats. |