Council member Mallant has told us to meet him in the city of Fairbough, our little coiterie it seems has attracted to much attention and for the time being it would be in our best interest to get out of Atma while the getting is good. The alternative being to stay and weed out the corruption of General Garivus, the Atman Defense League, and the Church of Nargeth. While that may be noble and honorable, discression is the better part of valor at this moment these things are beyond our means to handle. Although in time I believe that collectively we can influence such things but to do that we must each do our own growing. It makes me wonder, though, about the effects of differing heritage. The course of action that the elves would take would be one of patience while the shorter lived races would see that due course indicates something needs to be done to stop this corruption before it is to late. Maybe I have been around human influence to long because I can not but see the egregious error in my peoples logic. In the mean time Garrett and I have determined that the fast way out of Atma is through The Market district in the northwest corner but that will take us 2 days in the least and we must get as far away from the Spire this eve as we possibly can. I worry about the fortitude of lady Cidra, being young and unused to these more physical enduring aspects but I am sure if it comes to that Protoss will intercede and look after her needs. We did not make it to far from the west bridge before being accosted by 2 members of the Atman Defense League, constructs differeing from what we faced before, they appeared almost elvin. Cidra said they were called nimblewrights, slaves from the elemental plane of water, very fast and incredibly agile, with some effort they were eventually dispatched. At the end though I overheard a courious conversion. Grimgore desired to "thumb his nose", so to speak in the generals face. Very quietly he asked Cidra to help him spell "we won" with the parts and effects of the creatures. I was unaware that me good friend could not read or write so I pretended not to notice so as not to cause embarassment. Grimgore has his pride and while the gruff dwarf is almost impervious to most things, wounds to the pride are not among them. I wonder if I could teach him? That is going to have to be latter if it happens, for now it is time to move on and it seems that this is not the only patrol out looking for us because we are being followed again. |