Geas Contributor: Mortedamos |
Creator of the Geas game world and has run games set there since 2001.
Articles by Mortedamos
Creation Of Geas, Dalenurell's Note, Of The Lineage Of The Ruling House Of Tel-Tenauril, Portals Of Geas, The Book Of Twilight - The Six, The Fall Of Omara And Other Notes, The Final Prophecies Of Zelun, The Hall Of Thurdohrin, A Fragment, The Riddle of the Horn, The Sealing Of Sellador, A Fragment, The Selladoran Clerist Wars, The Solstice Calendar, The Tale of Saint Evan of Westrun, Threnody Hymn Of The Dying, Ur
I. The End Of The World, II. The Age Of Dreams, III. The Dark Shards, Uncharted Shores, V. The Created and the Fallen, X. The Things that Should Not Be, XII. The Terrors Of The Ancient Deep, XIII. Monstrous Heroes
Fey Warden
Giant, Death, Golem, Atman, Tolenar
Aesia, Agrashe, Anakankese, Aranor, Ardenath, Ashuran, Azatoth, Badur, Boddynok Jinglypockets Tinkermaker, Diosciea, Donar, Eledara, Elemeira, Enmiutet, Ethrendor, Evendar Timekeeper, Evendour, Exuna, Fenris, Ghea, Gromgur, Hadun, Haldros, Halunaentetys, Hequety, Hjodhor, Hoarvath, Hraksaseth, Ia, Ithiahahmeny, Jerick, Kho-Ensekh, Korganidraxis, Korgano, Kraken, Kraytesh, Mordrinar, Naresh, Nephtet, Nolghrim, Oberon, Oghmira, Oulduma, Ourgos, Pazuu, Shaelan, Thral-Tep, Threnody, Titania, Zalgo, Zammura, Zananna, Zanath
Blood Of Zanath [General], Distracting Attack [General, Fighter], Expanded Repertoire [General], Familiar Companion [General], Humanoid Familiar [Draconic], Improved Aid Another [General, Fighter], Improved Arcane Strike [General], Improved Distracting Attack [General, Fighter], Improved Mobility [General, Fighter], Improved Song of Celerity [Bladesinger], Improved Spring Attack [General, Fighter], Intense Study [General], Lesser Psionic Wild Talent [General], Orcblood [General], Orrery Astrology [General] , Primal Rage [General], Psionic Metamagic [Psionic, Metamagic], Sight Beyond Sight [Exalted], Well Read [General]
Aelari, Aeonae Anteanus, Aeonae Eldra, Aeonae Modus, Aeonae Primus, Aeonae Secundus, Aeonae Tertius, Alahdian Pantheon, Amari, Arlantil, Ashton Family, Balance of Elements, Balance of Forces, Bleak Ones, Brotherhood Of Misfits, Children Of Ashuran, Circle Of Nine, Clan Dougal, Clan McKrae, Crew Of The Rosepearl, Dark Oak Druidic Order, Dorthonion Family, Dwarven Pantheon, Elder Dragons, Elven Pantheon, Fellowship Of The Crystal Tear, Fellowship Of The Dark Shards, Furies Of Valkith, Galwaeth, Garanlyon, Giant Pantheon, Gnomish Pantheon, Guild of the Dead Hands, Heralds of the Dawn, Keepers Of Mercy, Kobold Pantheon, Lloleyn School of the Arcane, Order of Zelun, Orishadi, Prisoners of Thule, Saints of Aesia, Silvermane Gnoll Tribe, Talon Tribe, The Shield of Citadel, Urish Pantheon, Verdain Family
Airship Faith, Asahel, Bal-Anhgath, the FireSoul, Book Of Twilight, FrostFang, Genesis Crystal, Hammer Of Khrunos-Dur, Lifetap Amulet, Lightbringer, McKrae's Steel Mandate, Mirror Of Valandil, Orbs Of Tel-Tari, SoulBlade, Sphere Of Winter, The Bearded Maiden
A Debt Of Glory, Bleak Origins, Dark Endings, Enigma, In A Single Blow, Journey to Alwayeth, Of Flame and Darkness, Passage Into the Forbidden Land, Prometheus, Realization, The Awakening Of Evendur Greycastle, Vow
Aeonic, Amari Language, Atman, Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish
Abu the Wanderer, Aguer, Al-Zafeth, Alaria, Alastrina, Amael, Angigh, Ankhotep, Ansgar Dougal, Antarus, Antifex, Aradhrath, Aram, Arangil, Arcelia, Archemedron Of Order, Arnfinn, Arnulf, Artanis Dorthonion, Artemis Of The Golden Hand Of Aesia, Arthay Verdain, Arumvoril, Asha, Athanor, Athragar, Atoz, Atrius, Azgothore, Baelphegaz, Baerin of the Sacred Flame, Bale, Barak Ashton, Barklan Ashton, Bellios, Beremon McKrae, Bezalel the Animator, Bjorn Axehand, Bungo The Bear, Byron Ashton, Dalenurell, Darnath, Donald McKrae, Edgar Tredgemor, Edom Skaelan, Edredhel, Edrik Vawdrey, Elana Firemantle, Elegond, Elrik Axehand, Emmephera, Evendur Greycastle, Ezmerelda Hastburry, Farmer Grimsby, Freya, Gallen Verdain, Gazardath, General Garivus, Gherlan, Gnorman Hastburry, Golunn, Grizzlegast, Hadriel, Halagan Dougal, Hardin, Harek, Hena Hearthkeeper, Herofeld, Highmarshal Korek, Hiram The Elder, Hoargoth, Horace Merryweather, Horus, Iarond DuVale, Ilkerk Absen, Istvan, James Edmund Fitch, Jarin Of Braes, Jemerall, Kalidrax, Kalithera, Kerrigan, Kossoth, Lanathar, Laucilian, Leyla Ashton, Lucen, MacLeane, Maddy, Magmar, Maia, Malgoroth The Corruptor, Mallant, Morgwen McKrae, Mortedamos, Mourg, Mr. Dusk, Nephkhuet, Nephriankhentitys, Nephriankhtetys, Nol'Quar, Nolugar The Reaver, Oaensekhtep, Oakheart, Phenerell
, Primus The Runemaker, Raina, Raza , Regulus Cogwheel, Rezariel, Rodgort, Roen Of Ethrendor, Roryn the Just, Serianna, Silas Locke, Silphaine, Sinaan, Skaeraksis, Sseth, Storhoi
, Suzara
, Talbot, Telariel, Tendaris Wyrmslayer, Teravus, Thanthaelor, Thomas of Oberon
, Thorne, Uel Of Osellot, Ulric Vawdrey, Voria, Wilhelm Magnan, Willaim Wayfair, Wormwood
, Xandros The Mighty, Ysolare Dougal, Yuriel, Zanathrax, Zaren The Prescient, Zelun The Mad, Zurath The Eternal
A Fine Establishment, Abbey Of St. Planchet, Aberbrothock, Aelbeth, Afqah Grotto, Agrathea, Ahmon-Dur, Alderlund, Aldreth, Aljahdahn, Aljiba, Aljidan, Allswraith Island, Alswer Valley, Alternate Timelines, Alwayeth, Amari Camp, Anah-Dahg, Aradt, Arandir, Arkhos, Artaios, Atma, Atman Empire, Aundar, Azhgrott, Baratoria, Barga, Bearsmead Inn, Beechwood, Bhur-Adel, Blackfire Rock, Blackmount, Boddendell, Border Mountains, Borderhold, Borea, Brackenbog, Braes, Brochbarrow Hill, Caer Airbhe-Fal, Caer Aisling, Caer Carithal, Caer Duhl-Darah, Caer Fid-Nemith, Calathor, Candle Cove, Celembril, Ceo-Sead, Chaos Gate, Chaos Threshold, Charock, Chronomance, Citadel, City Of Verdain, Cobblepot, Cogwheels Hollow, Crystal Lake Tavern, Curmeah, Dannag-Mor, Danshiere, Dark Mirror, Darklands, Dead End, Deepsong, Dhoesone, Dragons Gate, Dragons Teeth, Duul-Roerahm, East Point, Edenshire, Edhelas, El-Alahd, Enaria, Enroth, Etherial Plane, Fairbough, Fallstaff, Fartherwall, Faunwaite, Flshygarr, Forbidden Wood, Fortress Of The Word, Froreheim, Frosty Mug, Galiad, Garrison, Geas, Gideon, Glass Spider, Goldfang Village, Gondileth, Grimaud, Guildurunin, Gumblegurd, Haversack Mines, Henom, Huld, Ia-Dur, Ierru, Inham Badur, Inner Sea, Inverted Tower, Irzantha, Isle Of Ruin, Kesh, Khadith, Kharse, Khayat, Khelbans Coil, Khoria, Kingdoms Of Faerie, Kingsmount, Klienstadt, Knights Court, Koboldtown, Korstag Mountains, Krakens Maw, Krar-Ek, Krieger and Sons Supply, Kuzgun Cave, Legions Keep, Lessten, Lloleyn, Lochlainn, Lonial Mountains, Lorenc, Madroc And Modrocs Myriad Mysteries, Magmars Tomb, Megamicres, Midland, Miriath, Mirthule, Mohrudan, Naresh Apocolypse, Necropolis of Aljidan, Neph, New Sellador Port, Nodtheng Fjord, Nuary Port, Omara, Ophira, Orovalis, Our Lady Of The Glorious Dawn Cathedral, Palace Of The Sun, Pass Of The Roerihm, Phocacia, Planar Cosmology, Plane Of Death, Plane of Life, Plateau Of Lehng, Ravens Lake, Rilayeh, Rugensburg, Scattered Kingdoms, Seaharrow, Selburs Tower, Sellador, Selladorian Free Nations, Shattered Kingdoms, Sidhe Way, Sternskagg, Stonebridge, Stormtower, Tachtekmet, Tarminster, Tel-Anoril, Tel-Elaemir, Tel-Eldien, Tel-Faenanil, Tel-Ithilien, Tel-Tenauril, Telos Ruins, Temple Of Harmony, Temple Of Light, Temple Of The Betrayers, Temple Of The Blessed Elegy, Temple Of Whispering Air, Temporal Plane, Thanandir, Thanindiel, The Anvil Of Agrashe, The Bawd And Highwayman, The Bell And Crow, The Black Cliffs, The Boiling Lake, The Castle Ward, The Corpse Of Goriel, The Devils Corkscrew, The Docks, The Dreaming, The Golden Hall, The Hammersea, The High Mountains, The Inn At Dragons Gate, The Iron Chapel, The Lower Ward, The Market, The Outer Ward, The Outflow, The Plane Of Shadow, The Salt Reach, The Twelve Hammers, The Waste, Thorn Hill, Tollum, Tomb of Lord Dougal, Topholme, Tower Of Darnath, Tower Of Dismandus, Tulken, Uldras, Ultima Thule, Umberflame Ridge, Umbral Citadel, Underdark, Undergates, Underholme, Uruluk, Valkith, Valley Of Ertrugol, Verdain City, Verdain Keep, Virnskeggi, Wall Of Barga, Wanderers Wood, Watch Wardens, Watchers Field, Westdel, Whispering Vault, Willowsmire, Wolf Woods, Woods Of Saurath, Wycombe, Yezdi, Zanathaern, Zanathaern Tesseract, Zeltennia
Gihm, Protoss, Reginold Brandish
Dwarf, Dwarf, Gold, Elf, Elf, Anoril (Sun), Elf, Drow (Shadow), Elf, Elaemir (Star), Elf, Eldien (Wood), Elf, Faenanil (Wild), Elf, Ithilien (Moon), Elf, Sidhe (Faerie), Gnome, Goblin, Goblin, Desert, Half-Orc, Halfling, Human, Warforged, Zanathae
New Weapon And Armor Bonuses for D&D 3rd Edition
Burning Obsidian Rupture, Burning Obsidian Shards, Decaying Touch, Elemental Claw, Elemental Shape, Greater Elemental Claw, Improved Decaying Touch, Obsidian Skin, Obsidian Spikes, Poison Fang, Rain Of Obsidian, Spell Sneeze, Ward Against Dispelling
Total Articles: 591 |